Chapter FiftySeven - That was close...

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"Snipers!" Ashley shouted before the line went dead.

I slammed the phone against the steering wheel in frustration, "Damn it!" I shouted angrily.

"What's going on at the hospital?" Niall asked as all the boys looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"The Snipers are in her room, I don't even know how they got in when I made it clear to the guy at the front desk not to let anyone else besides you guys, Alex, and George in." I said feeling a bit frustrated and worried.

Jason suddenly spoke up, "Woah! Woah! Woah! Are you saying the Snipers are in your girlfriend's Hospital room?" He asked looking a bit shocked.

I sighed and nodded, "Yeah, that's why I'm speeding to the hospital bro!" I shouted passing cars from left to right.

"Harry, just calm down. We'll get there before they can do anything to her. Nurses come and check on her daily, so I'm sure she'll be alright from right now until we get here." Liam patted my shoulder.

I know people were there at the hospital, I know people would check up on Ashley, but what worried me the most is John and his assholes doing something to those innocent people trying to help Ashley. I don't want Ashley getting hurt, I don't want innocent people to get hurt, so I have to get there before any of that can happen.

If Ashley got hurt again I don't know what I'd do with myself.

After a few more minutes of driving and thankfully not getting stopped my a stupid cop, the boys and I ran up the fire escape stairs to the floor Ashley's room was in. We all ran down the hall until we reached her room.

"Please don't, I don't want to go through this again!" I heard Ashley shouted as we neared her room.

I quickly picked up my pace and finally made it to Ashley's hospital room.

I grabbed the door knob and tried to open the door, but it was locked.

"Open the door!" I shouted banging on the door a bit loud.

"Harry!" I heard Ashley shout from the inside.

I was mad, worried, and mad. I couldn't believe I let this happen to my baby again, she's been through so much and now these assholes want to do it again?!

"No! Not this time!!" I shouted loudly before kicking the door open and dashing inside the room.

As soon as I walked in, my blood began to boil at the sight in front of me.

Matt and Dustin held Ashley down by her arms, while John was hovering over her kissing her neck.

My hands balled into fists and my jaw was clenched.

"Get the fuck off my girlfriend." I growled angrily.

John didn't move a muscle, instead of doing what I told him to do he continued to kiss my girlfriend's neck while she squirmed under him.

"Gonzalez!!" I shouted trying not to lash out all of my anger out here in this hospital.

Ashley suddenly began pulling to get her arms free, but she couldn't be moving to much or she is going to hurt herself. Those needles in her arm aren't exactly something that can be moved around a lot.

"Ashley, don't move. We'll deal with this, I don't want you to hurt yourself." I said in a calm and kind voice.

"Get him off me, Harry. Please make them go away." Ashley begged as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

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