Chapter Twenty - Afraid

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I didn't know where I was going or what I was doing, I just know I was afraid of my own boyfriend and I didn't want him near me.

I already knew the stuff he could do, I was aware of everything that he has done and what he could do. I just didn't expect to see him do it, no he didn't kill John, but he was pretty damn close to it.

At the moment I just felt don't know how to explain it. It's like, you knew this was going to happen sometime and didn't want to accept it. I was afraid of my boyfriend and I don't know what to do anymore. I still love Harry, there's no doubt about that, but I just can't turn back and look at him anymore.

"Ashley!!" shouted Harry from behind.

My heart rate picked up even more than it already was, he was calling me. A part of me wanted to turn back and hug him, but the other part kept telling me to run. At this point I didn't know what to do or which part of me to listen to. I just decided on one thing that didn't involved listening to either of me.

I quickly threw myself into the bushes and stayed as quiet as I could be, I knew one of them saw me hide I just didn't know who.

I feel horrible for doing this to Harry, he's the first guy that's ever loved me for me. I still love him, nothing can change that, I'm just scared of what happened.

"Ashley! Where are you?" shouted Harry running past the bushes as three bodies ran past behind him.

Three bodies, meaning one of the boys were here waiting for me.

Hearing Harry call my name made the tear in my eyes pour out. I couldn't bare seeing him like this, but what was I suppose to do? I'm afraid and confused.

"Ashley, I know you're in there." said a voice.

My head was telling me to run away from Louis and not look back, but my heart was telling me to listen to what he has to say. I didn't know whether to stay or run, but I just sat there like a deer in the head lights.

"Go away Louis." I said as I began sobbing.

Instead of leaving, like I had asked him to do, Louis walked into the bushes and sat next to me.

I was glad and disappointed at the same time. Glad because Louis is here to comfort me and disappointed because he's watching me break down.

"He was just trying to protect you." He sighed.

"I know and I'm thankful for that, but...I'm just...just..I-

"Afraid?" He asked.

I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want to be afraid of the one person I love. Harry is the first guy I date in high school, he's the one guy I trusted with my heart. Seeing this side of him scared me and I didn't want to see it again.

"Louis, I don't know what I'm feeling. I just don't want to see that side of Harry ever again, he made me feel powerless. I just-

"Ashley, Harry will never hurt you. He's in love with you and never wants to let you go. You freaking out like this is going to make him feel horrible, he's never gonna forget this and he will more than likely be called dead without you." He sighed.

I knew Louis was right about Harry not hurting me, but everything else is not true. I'm pretty sure Harry can manage without me, but the question is....can I manage without him?


"Harry, slow down!" shouted Liam and the other boys behind me.

I shook my head and kept running. Even if I wanted to stop I couldn't, I didn't want Ashley to be afraid of me and I'm gonna find her no matter what.

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