Chapter ThirtyFive - Karma's a Bitch

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"I don't think that's a good idea." sighed Liam.

I coked a brow, "Why not?"

"Because, Harry hasn't talked to his family in the longest time and I don't know how he would react to seeing them." He shrugged.

I smiled, "He misses them Liam, don't you think it's time for Harry and his family to see each other after a long time of having to be without them?"

"I just don't know how they'd react towards him, especially Robin. He's the one that kicked Harry out." He sighed rubbing the back of his neck.

I chucked, "Liam, look at the text they miss him. They want to know how he is and want to see him. Lets help them out." I smiled.

Liam looked at the phone and read the text, after he was done he smiled up at me.

"Alright Louis, Niall, Zayn, you guys take Ashley to Harry's family. I'll wait in the room to make sure he doesn't suspect anything. Give me the phone." said Liam stretching out his hand.

I nodded and handed Liam Harry's phone, "We'll just go talk to them." I smiled.

I couldn't believe I had convinced Liam to let us go see Harry's family, I was excited and nervous at the same time. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that they won't like me. They'll think I'm just some girl, when in reality I'm helping them get to their boy.

"Alright lets go." nodded Zayn as we began making our way to the parking lot.

As we walked I saw three shadows waiting for us at the car, "Uh..guys, I think we have company." I whispered.

Zayn, Louis, and Niall quickly snapped their heads to face the car and, as if lightning, Zayn's face turned hard and angry.

"You know, you got a lot of nerve coming here when Harry's in the Hospital." growled Louis.

John chuckled, "Oh, we didn't come for Styles. We're actually here, for Ashley." He smirked as his gaze fell on me.


"Back off Gonzales, you're wasting your time here. You're leaving empty handed tonight." snapped Zayn.

John and his dogs are getting really annoying, Harry is in the fucking Hospital and yet he still comes and acts all big shit.

"Can't you just give it a rest John? Harry's in the hospital and didn't do anything, why can't you just back the fuck up?!" I shouted angrily.

John looked at me with an amused look on his face, "Oh, you know damn right what he did. This is just us paying him back." He smirked eying me from head to toe.

I scoffed, "You're a pig!" I shouted.

I had nothing but hatred towards the three assholes standing in front of me. These guys have been making Harry and I's lives miserable, even though Harry has beaten the shit out of him, John still wont back off and leave us alone and all of his big ego shit is starting to annoy me.

John stepped forward, but didn't come too close because Zayn was right in front of me.

"Listen Jones, you should run home and listen to daddy because if you get involved I won't hesitate to hold back once Styles and his boys are out of the way." He smirked biting his lip.

If John keeps acting like the dick he is, I am seriously gonna loose my cool and tell the guy off. I honestly don't give a shit if he's leader of Snipers, he's all bark but no bite; a pussy and I am tired of him thinking he's going to win this.

"No!" I shouted.

John's eyebrows raised up and that same amused face he was making earlier was on his face. I just wanted to go right up to him and slap it right off that ugly face of his.

"Listen here Gonzales, I am tired of your bullshit and all your desperate attempts to bring down Harry. He is and will always be better than your sorry excuse for a gang leader. You go out looking for trouble with him and think you're gonna win, but in the end Harry is always the one to beat your sorry ass!" I shouted angrily glaring at John.

I swear if looks could kill, John would've already be dead by now. All the hatred I had towards him was building inside of me and was getting harder to control by the second.

"Look Ashley, this has nothing to do with you but since you want to get in between so're gonna see what we can really do." He growled walking closer to me.

Zayn quickly stepped in front of me, "Back the fuck up Gonzales!" He shouted.

John smirked and turned his gaze towards me, "I understand why you're acting all tough right now. You got your little guards with you and since they're with you, you feel like you can tell me anything...don't you princess.' He chuckled.

That was the last chance I was giving John, this time I'm gonna show him exactly how of a bitch I can be when I want to.

I pushed Zayn out of the way and walked right in front of John, stopping inches away from hom.

I looked up at the asshole smirking at me, "You better fuck off John, because you won't win this. These boys are to strong for you and your assholes. Yeah that's right Liam told me about your seven against one business. Matt, Dustin, you two are pussys for not being able to approach Harry with your bare hands and just the two of you. The funny thing two left more bruised up than he did." I laughed looking behind John.

Suddenly two big hands grabbed me by my collar and I was slowly lifted from the ground, "You think you're all fucking big shit don't you Jones. A girl like you shouldn't even be talking like this, Mommy and Daddy won't approve of it..won't they?" He smirked.

I quickly raised my hand and punched John's left eye, making him release me from his grip.

"Oh and next time you want to come fucking mess with my boyfriend, make sure it's when he's not int the hospital. Be a fucking man and learn how to fight." I shouted preparing for what I was about to do next.

"And make sure you bring protection for every part of your body." I nodded.

John was about to say something to me, but was cut off by my foot coming in contact with his groin.

"You fucking little bitch!!" shouted John falling to his knees.

I laughed, "Karma always bites you in the ass, John or in your case..the dick."

And with that, the boys and I walked towards their car and drove towards Harry's house. We all made sure to drive around town to make sure John wasn't following us.

"It's time for you to meet your mother in law." smiled Louis as we began driving down a rode I didn't remember.

This was it, this was the time to help Harry and his family become a family again.

Something they all have wanted for the longest time, I'm guessing.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I just had to update this so you guys can see everything that's going to happen in the next chapter. I'll try updating soon if not, tomorrow!

What do you guys think about Ashley standing up to John?

Pretty cool, huh? She gets tired of everything he's doing and just wants him to back off, so that's exactly what she did.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and that you'll comment and tell me what you think.

Also please don't forget to vote.


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