Chapter ThirtyNine - Complications

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*One Week Later*


 I sighed as the four well known boys walked into my room, "So you guys were telling the truth, huh?"

Louis nodded, "Why the hell would we lie about something like that?" He spat.

I would've gotten after Louis for snapping at me like that, but I knew he didn't mean to do that. Ever since the last time Ashley came, which was when Mom and Gemma came, she hasn't come to see me. The boys explained to me about how John went up to them that night they were walking home and how he tried shooting one of them with a gun, but thanks to his poor aiming he missed and they all turned out alright. The only problem was that John told Ashley how the boys were trying to convince him to leave her and made it look like they didn't care about her when really they were doing it for her own safety.

Zayn placed a hand on Louis' shoulder to calm him down, "We told you already, Ashley didn't want us to explaine. She told us not to follow her when we stopped her from walking away. We tried calling her, same as you, and we can't really go to her house to see if she's there because of her family. They still aren't a really big fan of us being close friends to her." He explained scratching the back of his neck.

I nodded, "Alright, since today is my release day, I'm going to go to her house and as for her. I know I shouldn't be doing that, because her father doesn't like me, but its the only way we can reach her. Anyone else want to join me?" I said looking at the four worried boys in front of me.

Niall raised his hand, "I'm going with you." He said.

Liam nodded, "I am too." He said.

"So am I." said Louis standing on his feet.

I looked over at Zayn who was quietly looking at the floor.

"Zayn?" I asked.

He shook his head, "You should've seen her face when she turned around to ask her if I had really said that. I saw all of the sadness in her eyes and I felt really bad for ever talking you into breaking up with her. I didn't think I was doing anything bad, but then again I didn't think about how Ashley would feel. I don't deserve her forgiveness." Zayn sighed as he began making his way out of my room.

I sighed and looked at Louis Niall and Liam, "You guys get the van ready, while I go get him" I ordered.

They nodded and made their way out the room with me following behind them.

As I walked out of the hospital enterance, I spotted Zayn sitting on the stairs and smoking a ciggarete.

"Zayn." I called out walking towards him.

He turned around to see who was calling him, but turned around and frowned when he spotted me.

I sat myself down beside Zayn and placed a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, "Come on Zayn, you can't let John get between you and Ashley. You guys are great friends just like the other boys are great friends with her as well. They feel just as bad, but they're willing to go and fix things. The question is,.....are you?"


After about a long, and I mean really long, talk with Zayn about how talking to Ashley was going to help things change, he finally decided on coming with us to her house.

"I don't even know what I'm going to say to her." Zayn said as we drove towards Ashley's house.

I rolled my eyes, "Here's an idea, genius, apoligize."

They all nodded and agreed, "Shouldn't we take her out somewhere, you know, as an apoligie dinner or something." Niall suggested.

I smiled and nodded, "I say that's a great idea, Niall."

 "That is if she forgives us." said Zayn.

I rolled my eyes, "Can you at least be a little positive?"


"Are you sure he was telling the truth, I mean, he is their enemy. He could be saying that so you cou-

"Alex, I swear. They told me themseleves that they did. I just don't know what to think anymore." I said as I sat inbetween my two best friends, George and Alexandra.

George placed his arm around my shoulders, "What if they were just-

I quickly cut him off, "Don't you dare say they were just doing it to protect me because there's a difference."

"And that is?" He asked waiting for me to answer.

"They convinced my boyfriend to break up with me, how clearer can that get?!" I shouted.

George and Alex have been staying at my house since last week when I got home. Thank god my parents had to go to a wedding from a family member and let me stay h ere, so they wouldn't here what my best friends and I were arguing about. They probably wouldn't have done much about what the boys did, but they'll rub it in my face that they aren't good people.

George's eyes widened, "Right, I shouldn't have asked that." He said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I didn't know wether I was being dramatic or just a total girl, but I just couldn't hold it in or put it behind me. When John told me what the boys did, I couldn't help but feel bad about it. I thought they were my friends and that they actually liked me, but I guess everyone's right.

"Gang members are not to be trusted." I sighed as a tear slid down my cheek.

Alex and Geogre shook their heads as they began conforting me again and telling me things are going to be alright, but deep down....I know I can't trust them anymore.


I know, short chapter, but it's late and I'm really tired. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and if there is any mistakes I'm sorry, like I said, it's late. I wrote this chapter at 1:09AM

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- Ashley :)

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