Chapter Fifteen - Meeting the boys

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I wasn't worried about taking Ashley to meet the boys, they know I really like her and they'll be nice to her no matter what. I honestly don't think they'll be pissed at her, but just in case I'm ready to protect my baby.

"Harry." called out Ashley.

I turned to face her before looking back at the rode, "Yes, babe?" I smiled as I drove down my neighborhood.

"What if Louis is still mad about what happened?" She asked a little afraid.

I felt kinda bad for her being afraid. I want her to feel safe with the boys like she does with me, I don't want her to be afraid of the guys that are going to be helping me protect her.

"Don't worry about that, Ash, he's forgiven you about that and admits he over reacted. He just hopes you can forgive him." I smiled.

Ashley perked up and smiled, "Really? You're not just saying that?" She smiled as I pulled up my drive way.

"It's all the truth, babe, I promise they'll be happy to meet you properly." I nodded.

I quickly stepped off my car and jogged over to Ashley's side, "Right this way." I smiled helping her out of the car and walking inside the house.

"Harry's here!" Liam shouted as soon as I opened the foor.

As we walked down the hall I could hear the boys running to the couch and turning on the TV.

"Hey boys." I smiled as Ashley and I walked into the room.

"Harry we didn't hear you come in." said Zayn standing up.

I cocked a brow and chuckled to myself, they're trying so hard to make a good impression.

"Boys, this is Ashley." I smiled.

I wasn't nervous at all about Ashley meeting the boys properly, they all already forgot, not literally, about the whole George thing. Louis is fine with me dating Ashley, he's promised that he's over it.

"Hello, Ashley. My name is Liam Payne." He smiled walking over to Ashley.

"Nice to meet you, properly, Liam." giggled Ashley shaking his hand.

Zayn walked up to her, "I'm Zayn Malik." smiled Zayn walking to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Zayn." giggled Ashley shaking Zayn's hand.

"I'm Niall Horan." He smiled shaking Ashley's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Niall." She smiled shaking his hand as well.

I noticed Ashley get a little tense by my side as Louis walked up to her, "It's ok Ashley, you have nothing to worry. It was wrong of me to do that and I'm sorry." said Louis shaking her hand and giving her a smile.

"It's alright Louis, nice to meet you." She smiled as we sat on the couch together.



The whole night the boys and I were laughing at the show Friends, Louis says its a hilarious show about friends doing stupid things. Which kinda got my full attention.

I was worried for nothing, I was expecting the boys to hate my guts as soon as I walked in. What I ended up getting was four nice boys that are nothing but fun. People don't know these boys and have only seen the side I've already seen when I first met them. They seriously don't know about the real them. The people at school that talk about these boys like they can and will kill anything don't know anything about them. I find them extremely sweet and nice. Call me crazy, but it's the truth.

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