Chapter - 2

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After wedding party, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo went to Xiao Zhan's house. Xiao Zhan's house was an apartment at 18th floor. He had started to live alone after his graduation. From now Wang Yibo was going to live with him.

They both were silent when they entered in apartment. Xiao Zhan lead Yibo to his room.

" It's my room. You can freshen up here." Xiao Zhan said.
Wang Yibo nodded and walked towards the beg. He unpacked it and took out some casual clothes.

Xiao Zhan stared on Yibo's back and come out of the after taking his clothes and went to other room to take a shower.

Wang Yibo came after 15 minutes and looked around in room.
The room was simple and elegant. It had a working desk with few books and few photo frames.

When Zhan came back he saw Yibo sitting on the bed ,wearing a T- shirt and trouser.

" Do you want to look around first ? " Zhan asked.

"Hm, If it's okay with you." Yibo said.

"Then come." Zhan said.

Yibo walked towards Zhan with steady steps.

"There are one extra room with the room you were in. You can think it's a guest room. " Zhan opened the door and show Yibo. Then he turned to other one.

" It's like a Study room. There are my books and documents. You can put yours here too." Zhan said and walked inside. Yibo looked around and saw lots of books related to medical and non medical both.

The apartment was comfortable for two people . The dining table was arranged near the kitchen. There were sofa and a big LCD TV.

" It's cozy." Yibo compliment.

" Thank you." Zhan said smiling.

"I have ordered dinner. " Zhan informed and Yibo nodded.

" Want to ask anything ?" Zhan asked.

" What should I call you ?" Yibo asked.

"Umm.... What...ever you are comfortable with."Zhan  shuttered a little as he was surprised by question.

"Then are you okay if I call you Zhan ge ?"

" Yeah , I am okay with it."

Then suddenly doorbell ring . Zhan immediately went to get the door. It was food delivery. Zhan took it.

"Yibo , let's have dinner." Zhan said and Yibo came out of the room.

They both sat opposite to each other. Yibo served the dinner. Zhan was stunned by Yibo's action but didn't stop him.

" I don't talk much so please tell me if I make you uncomfortable with my ghost nature." Wang Yibo said eating.

" Ghost nature ? " Zhan asked amused.

" Mn, I mostly remain silent, doesn't smile, wandering like a lost soul. My colleagues gave this name to my personality. "Yibo explained.

Zhan nodded but it was funny for him .

" You can laugh. I don't mind." Yibo said.

" No , why would I ? " Zhan defend himself.

Yibo didn't answer.

" I sometimes stay at hospital and sometimes came late. " Zhan told Yibo his inconvenience.

Yibo nodded.

After finishing dinner, they both moved towards the room. Now they were standing and staring at bed in silence.

" I will sleep on sofa outside." Yibo broke the ice.

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