Chapter - 13

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It was weekend ,Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan was going hospital to meet Yichen. Actually Yibo told Zhan that he could go alone but Zhan also wanted to come . He didn't want to miss what they both talk.  Anyway Zhan had day off too so he was going as visitor instead as a doctor.

Now they both were in car , going to hospital.

" Yibo , what's in the bag ?"  Zhan asked.

" For Yichen."

Xiao Zhan realised that Yibo didn't want to tell him so he didn't ask again.

" You like him." Zhan said.

" Hmm."

Xiao Zhan glance at Yibo and then turned his eyes on road.

After 20 minutes they reached the hospital. Everyone greeted Zhan and asked about his arrival. Xiao Zhan told them that he was here as a visitor today.

When they reached at Yichen's ward , Yichen greeted them with his cheerful voice. He was more happy to see his new friend than his uncle Xiao.

" Yibo gege ! " Yichen said.

" Hm" Yibo hummed acknowledging Yichen.

" Wow ! !  now you will ignore me because you have found new  favourite person." Zhan said .

" Come on , uncle Xiao, gege is my friend. And I meet you everyday. You don't have to be so dramatic." Yichen said.

" Who is dramatic ?" Xiao Zhan said with unbelievable look in his eyes.

Yichen rolled his eyes on his doctor. Yichen's mom scold him lightly seeing his son's bratty attitude. Xiao Zhan chuckled but then told Yichen's mother that it's fine.

Wang Yibo sat beside Yichen and gave him the food he made according to Zhan's instructions. Yichen smiled widely and started to eat as he was so excited. Wang Yibo smiled to see the excitement. Xiao Zhan was once again mesmerised by Yibo's smile.

Yichen's mother wanted to talk something to Zhan so they went outside. In the meantime Yibo gave Yichen the bag he brought. Yichen got confused but he accepted it. He opened it and seeing the comics and anime dolls , got more excited than earlier.

" Gege , are these for me ?" Yichen asked.

" Hm" Yibo hummed again.

" Thank you , gege. " Yichen said and hugged Yibo.

Yibo patted Yichen's head with a small smile.

" Get well soon." Yibo said.

Yichen hummed and broke the hug. He , then, took out the comics and dolls out. He was looking at them with sparkling eyes. They all were new editions and some were new comics which he didn't have.

" Gege , I have to something to show you." Yichen said and took out a drawing file.

Yibo stared at the file and then Yichen who was waiting for him to open it. Yibo opened the file and saw the drawings of different anime characters on pages.

" Beautiful." Yibo said.

" Really ?" Yichen said brimming with joy.

" Hm" Yibo said and patted Yichen's head again.

" I'm not that much good in drawing but I really like it." Yichen said.

" You are good." Yibo said.

" Gege, I wanna draw Tang San but it's too hard." Yichen pouted.

" Should I draw for you ?" Yibo asked.

" You can ?"

" Hm"

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