Chapter - 24

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Around 8 PM  Yibo came back. As any other day , he made dinner and wait for Zhan. Soon Zhan came and they had a peaceful dinner.

When they were lying in bed Zhan said," Yibo, mom Wang call me today. She said in three days it's dad's birthday. She invited us to celebrate."

Wang Yibo's parents lives in another city. He had just came for wedding and after that they went back to their home.

" Are you free ?" Yibo asked.

" Perhaps I'm."

" If you aren't , don't worry. I can go alone."

" No, I'll go with you." Zhan immediately said.

" Ok " Yibo said with a smile.

" Bo, what you usually do when you go home ?"

" Mostly sleep or roam around."

" Then take me to those places."

" Hm"

" Are you sleepy ?"

" Hm "

" Sleep, Bobo"

" Zhan ge ! "

" What , Bobo ?" Zhan said innocently.

Yibo turned to other side , now facing his back to Zhan.

" Where are you turning ? " Zhan said back hugging Yibo.

No one answered.

" No more tease, let's sleep" Zhan said .

Yibo smiled when he felt a light kiss on his hairs. His ears turned cherry red in dark .


In two days, Yibo and Zhan left for Yibo's home. Zhan decided to drive. Even the city was a little farway but it wasn't much. Actually it was a small city compared to where Zhan and Yibo was living. Half way Zhan drive and other half way, Yibo.

When they arrived , Yibo took Zhan towards the house with small bag.  They were staying for three days so they packed few sets of clothes. It was mainly Zhan's as Yibo has his clothes there. They also bought gift .

Yibo's parents had a small house . But it looked beautiful. There was a small garden outside.

Yibo press the bell and soon his mother came. She was smiling widely to see her kids.

" Hi , mom" Yibo said .

" Good evening, mom." Zhan said.

Mrs Wang hugged both his son and son in law.

When hug break Mrs Wang noticed Zhan was holding fruits and some other things in his hand .

" Oh ! Zhan you don't have to bring all these . " Mrs Wang said.

" How can I not ? " Zhan said smiling.

Then Mrs Wang lead them inside. When Mr Wang saw them, he also engulfed them in his arms. Mrs Wang took polythene bags from Zhan and went to kitchen.

The couple sat with Mr Wang in living room. Mr Wang started to ask about their lives and soom Mrs Wang bring juice for them.

After talking for a while Mrs Wang send them to freshen up. It was already evening time when they arrived. Soon it was going to dinner time.

Yibo took Zhan to his room which was above leading by a staircase. When Zhan entered, he found that room was simple but comforting. Their were only a few photos on wall. Also books and comics were nearly arranged in racks. There was a study table and near window and a bed.

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