Chapter - 32

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After party When Yibo and Zhan returned to their room. Zhan hold Yibo's hand.

" It still have 30 minutes left before your birthday finish. I have a gift for you."

" But you have given me a lots of gift today, Zhan ge."

" Then one more won't do any harm."Zhan said fishing out a little box from his pocket.

Zhan opened the box and it has a silver pendant with two circles interwined , men's style.

" I bought this before coming here." Zhan said.

Yibo glanced at it. For Yibo how expensive the gift was it didn't matter but the feelings and he could see all the emotions by how his husband did everything just to make him happy. He felt his eyes teary. All the bottle up emotions were now pouring out.

Zhan took out the pendant and made Yibo wear it. By the look of his husband he knew how much he was touched.

" Happy birthday, my dear !" Zhan said smiling.

Zhan cupped Yibo's face and said," Don't cry anymore. You have cried enough already. Always smile for me ."

" I love you , my baby Bo " Zhan said and  hugged Yibo.

Yibo hugged Zhan tightly and whispered," love you too."

Zhan heard it, he felt his heart making flip, his breath hitched.

Zhan broke the hug and excitedly asked," what did you say ? "

Zhan said Yibo these three word many times after confession but every time Yibo either hummed or pecked him. Zhan knew Yibo love him . He didn't have insecurities about it but still hearing from the mouth of Yibo, Zhan felt another kind of joy and excitement surging in his body.

Yibo looked down without saying.

Zhan put his index finger under Yibo's chin and made him look up .

" Baby,  say it again." Zhan said in deep voice making Yibo shiver.

" Baby , say it please."

" I lov..e you... too, Zha...n ge." Yibo said  blushing furiously.

And that's it,  Zhan pulled Yibo for a passionate kiss. Zhan was now literally devouring Yibo's lips. He was sucking and nibbling them. Zhan's hand was pressing Yibo's body more .  Zhan squeezed Yibo's waist making him gasp. At that moment Zhan entered his tongue in Yibo's mouth and he started to devour every corner of his mouth. Yibo felt his knees week . He was clutching Zhan's shirt. If Zhan wasn't holding him he would really have been on ground now.

Yibo moaned when Zhan suck his tongue making Zhan more excited.

Zhan broke the kiss when he felt Yibo breathless . This was their most passionate kiss .

Zhan saw Yibo gasping for air, his lips were red and swollen, his eyes were slightly open and he was leaning on Zhan.

Zhan lift Yibo in bridal style and Yibo subconsciously wrapped his hands around Zhan's neck.  He placed Yibo on bed gently .

" You know how beautiful and sexy you are looking now ? " Zhan said hovering Yibo.

Yibo looked away . He was feeling very hot and shy.

" Don't look away from me , baby ." Zhan said caressing Yibo's lips.

Zhan kissed Yibo's earlobe making Yibo tremble . He sucked it lightly and a light moan escaped from Yibo's mouth.

" Baby , can I ? " Zhan asked in his husky voice.

Yibo nodded blushing.

" Tell me if it become too much." Zhan said caressing Yibo's hairs.

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