chapter - 40

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Zhan when come back he saw Yibo sitting in his office watching something in his phone. He didn't has to ask what his husband do in his free time.

" Bo, let's go home ." Zhan said.

" You are back ." Yibo said.

" Hm " Zhan said kissing Yibo's forehead.

Zhan gather his documents and after that they left. When they reached home, Zhan cook simple dinner for Yibo as Yibo's sense of smell became strong and causing him nausea.

After dinner Zhan and Yibo resigned to their room.

Now Zhan was lying with his head on Yibo's lap and he was caressing Yibo's belly.

" Bo, I want him to grow fast. I want to feel his movements in your belly." Zhan said.

Yibo just smiled . He was sliding his fingers in Zhan hairs.

" Zhan ge , about mom and dad....." Yibo said as they didn't tell about their parents.

" I have an idea, Bo. Don't worry." Zhan said giving a mischievous smile.

" Don't be mischievous, ge. Mom will scold you." Yibo said. He knew his husband very well.

" Then you have to protect me . " Zhan said grinning.

Yibo just smiled. Of course he'll protect his husband But after enjoying their show.

" Zhan ge , aren't you tired ? "

" No, I'm too excited to feel tired."

" You should sleep"

" Ok " Zhan said.

He laid down straight and made Yibo comfortable on his chest. Yibo hugged Zhan tightly but the sleep was far away from him.

Zhan noticed Yibo in deep thoughts. He pinched his nose and spoke, " You are telling me to sleep but look at you, you aren't even blinking."

Yibo rubbed his nose, looking very cute.

" What are you thinking ? " Zhan asked.

" Nothing"

" Bo , talk with me , if you are worried about something."

" It's nothing. It's just...."

" What ? "

" I was thinking if you didn't agree to marry me. My parents would have found someone...." Yibo couldn't complete his sentence as Zhan hold his Chin and made him look upwards.

" You are mine. From the day you were born, you are destined to be mine. " Zhan said with fierce possessiveness in his eyes.

Yibo had never seen Zhan like that. He knew his husband got jealous easily and behaved like a sulking kid but now he was looking different.

Before Yibo could say something Zhan pulled him in a passionate kiss. He was devouring Yibo's mouth, sucking, nibbling, biting. This kiss was different because this time Zhan was angry.

Zhan couldn't imagine his Yibo, his love in someone else arms. Now they will have a child together, the thought of someone else being Yibo's child father was enough to make him go crazy. He wanted to punish Yibo for thinking something like that.

After devouring Yibo his heart content, Zhan broke the kiss. He saw Yibo panting with swollen lips, moist eyes and flushed face.

" XiaoWang Yibo, don't you dare to say something like that again !"

Yibo knew he made Zhan angry this time. He wasn't scare . He put his face in Zhan's crook.

" Don't be angry, ge. I was about to say that if it was someone else, I wouldn't be this happy.  You know I realised something."

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