Chapter - 15

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Xiao Zhan was in his hospital. In whole hospital everyone was talking about Dr.Xiao and his husband. Everyone was surprised by how Dr.Xiao's husband protected the little girl. Who has seen Yibo , didn't believe as they can't imagine him in that situation. Even Xiao Zhan's friend were having a hard time believing it.

" Zhan , is it true ?" Meng Xia asked.

" Hm"Zhan hummed.

" Zhan come on tell the truth. I can't believe Yibo can do something like this." Yang said.

" It's true . Believe it or not." Zhan said.

" Wow ! I regret I didn't see him." Xue Yang said.

" He must have learnt self defence." Meng Xia said.

Zhan then remembered what Yibo told him. He knew it must be hard for Yibo at first with his body and looks.

" Well it's good. With his looks , he really need protection." Xue Yang said laughing.

" Right, his beauty is beyond the world." Meng Xia also laughed.

" Who now belong to Dr. Xiao Zhan only ." Xue Yang said wiggling his eyebrows to Zhan.

He expected Zhan to say something or shout but Zhan was just leisurely sipping his coffee.

" Zhan , is Yibo fine ? He didn't get hurt right ?" Meng Xia asked suddenly.

" He got injured on his hand but he is fine." Zhan said.

" It's good. He didn't get hurt badly." Meng Xia said sighing in relief.

" His small body has a lot of strength." Zhan said a little proudly which didn't go unnoticed by his friends.

Xia and Yang looked at each other and smile.

" Guys , I have to go now." Zhan said and left.

" I'm happy for our Zhan. " Xia said .

" Hm ,I think he has started to like Yibo." Yang said.

Xia nodded and after few minutes they also left .


When Zhan went home he saw Yibo cooking.

" Yibo , why are you making dinner ?" Zhan said but now he wasn't smiling like usually.

" Huh ? " Yibo just said this as he got confused.

" Isn't your hand injured ? Why are you putting stress on it ?" Zhan said scolding Yibo a little.

" It's fine, Zhan ge . " Yibo said .

Zhan moved closer to Yibo and pull him otherside.

" What fine ? Am I doctor or you ? " Zhan again scolded.

" Now sit here and don't do anything." Zhan said making Yibo sit on chair. Yibo sat obediently. Zhan first checked the food which Yibo was making. Everything was almost done. So after turning off the stove ,  be went to his room to freshen up. Yibo watched Zhan's retreating back with a small smile.

When Zhan came back he saw Yibo sitting obediently, he smiled. Then he arranged the table and sat to have dinner.

" Yibo , don't cook until your hand heal . I'll make breakfast and in evening let's order from outside, ok ? " Zhan said seriously.

" Ok " Yibo said and Zhan smiled .

" Yibo , today everyone was talking and praising you in hospital . Some who knows you , didn't believe that you can do something like that ,  Not even Xia and Yang." Zhan chuckled.

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