Chapter - 33

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After returning from trip Zhan got very busy that he had to stay in hospital but still he called Yibo whenever he got time and sometimes Yibo also called him to remind to eat his dinner and breakfast. Also whenever Zhan came home, he never leave a chance of making out with his husband but they still hadn't taken the last step.

Zhan and Yibo were really happy. It's weekend so Yibo was at home but Zhan had gone hospital today too.

Yibo was staring at photos on walls with a small smile. He never thought he could be this happy or someone could treasure him like this.

He had a photo album in his hand . Zhan had also prepared a photo album of the photos.

Yibo looked at the time and saw it was lunch time. He was alone today so he wasn't in mood to cook so he just walked back in living room and switched on the TV. He had passed one hour watching it and was so engrossed that he didn't notice another presence behind him.

Yibo suddenly got a peck on his cheek with loud smooch sound , he got startled and turned around to look.

" My baby was so focused . I need his attention now ."

" Zhan ge " Yibo said with smile.

Zhan could sense the excitement in Yibo's voice even for others it was normal but Zhan knew his baby was as happy as he and it's natural as he was really busy these days that they couldn't spend time together.

" Was my baby missing me ?" Zhan said taking Yibo in his lap.

Yibo snuggled happily in Zhan's embrace and nodded. Zhan kissed Yibo's hairs.

" Me too. "

" Sorry I was very busy."

Yibo shook his head and said," I understand."

Yibo didn't need much. He was happy with that Zhan called him even when he got busy or text him or replied to his messages in free time. He was content.  And why not he ? whenever Zhan was with him , he shower him with love and care . He trusts his husband and loved him too much to doubt him.

Zhan smiled and inhaled the relaxing scent of his husband.

" Zhan ge , why are you this early  ?" Yibo asked.

" I have finished my work so came home. Also I haven't come home for three days and before that too I was so busy . I'm missing you." Zhan said.

" Did you have lunch ? "

" No, you ? "

" No "

" Ok ! Let's order." Zhan said. He fished out his phone and order lunch for them.

Yibo sat straight and said," Zhan ge , go freshen up first ."

Zhan put his face in Yibo's crook and shook his head.

" Let me charge. I'm beat." Zhan said.

Yibo didn't said anything but just stroked Zhan's head lovingly. He knew how much hard work his husband do.

After thirty minutes doorbell rang and they knew delivery had come.

" Zhan ge let me receive the delivery, you go take a shower."

Zhan nodded and reluctantly went to room.
Yibo also went to get the food delivery.

Yibo placed it on table and soon Zhan came. After having lunch, Zhan lay down in living room with his head on Yibo's lap who was moving his slander fingers in Zhan's hair. Zhan had his eyes closed, he was enjoying the moment.

" Yibo, tomorrow is Yichen's surgery." Zhan said in slightly sleepy voice.

" That's good." Yibo said.

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