Chapter -8

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Xiao Zhan was in hospital. It was lunch time. So he was sitting with his friends in cafeteria.

" Hey , Zhan ! So how is going with you and Yibo ?" .Meng asked.

" Why are you so curious ? Don't you have anything else to ask ?" Zhan said and sighed.

" We just wants to know. What's wrong with that ? " Meng Xia said.

" Come on Zhan. Is there improvement between you two ? " Xue Yang asked.

" Why don't you tell me about your boyfriend and you ? " Xiao Zhan said.

" There is nothing wrong with us. We are lovely - dovey as usual." Xue Yang said smiling.

Meng Xia , Xiao Zhan and Liu Shen rolled their eyes. Ofcourse they knew how their friends was.

" And if you want other details , I will surely give you but in private." Xue Yang said smirking.

" You bastard ! Shut the fuck up ! " Xiao Zhan shouted and glared at Xue Yang.

Meng Xia laughed.

" You all are enjoying this a lot . " Xiao Zhan gave glares to his other friends.

" Seriously Zhan , why don't you give Yibo a chance ? " Xia said.

Xue Yang nodded.

" Who said I am not gonna give him a chance ? I married with the thought of giving my husband a chance ." Xiao Zhan said concentrating on his food. His voice was low but enough his friends could listen.

" Really ? " Meng Xia said.

" Of course! I am not jerk to ruin someone's life ! " Xiao Zhan said in a loud voice.

" I am glad to hear that. " Meng Xia said smiling.

" We were worried that you won't give him chance because of past ." Xue Yang said patting Xiao Zhan's shoulder.

" Then it would be so cruel for him." Zhan said.

" Right " Xue Yang said.

" And when you both will ready just come to me for tips." Xue Yang said smiling mischievously.

" You bastard ! " Xiao Zhan glared . He picked the fork and about to throw on Yang.

" Hey ! It will hurt ." Xue Yang said hiding behind Xia .

" If you don't stop your dirty mouth. I am going to kill you." Xiao said coldly.

" Ok ok ! " Xue Yang said and Zhan put down the fork.

" I should go now . I have patients to check ." Xue Yang said and got up. When he was at safe distance from Zhan , he turned around and said, " My offer has no expiry date. Feel free to come anytime." and run away while laughing.

" Ah ! That fucker ! " Zhan cursed under his breath.

Meng Xia was laughing their heads off.

Xiao Zhan phone alarm rang. He checked it and turned it off.

" Seems like I have to go too." Zhan said and got up.

Meng Xia nodded.

Then Zhan also left from there.

" I am glad for him ." Meng Xia mumbled.


Xiao Zhan was coming after checking his patients when he saw Zhang Yuexi, Yibo's friend. He approached her .

"Zhang Yuexi !" Zhan said.

Zhang Yuexi turned to hear her name.

" Oh ! Xiao Zhan ." Zhang Yuexi said.

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