Chapter -11

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Xiao Zhan was now examining Yichen. After doing his checkup thoroughly , Zhan asked," What were you and Yibo talking about ? "

" Nothing"

" I don't think so. You were laughing and smiling."

" I told you gege is so good."

Zhan sighed . He knew Yichen wouldn't tell him.

" Ok ok ! Now rest." Zhan said and smiled.

Yichen nodded and then Zhan left. He had to attend a surgery so he went to prepare for it.

In evening Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo were having dinner. They were quiet but unexpectedly Yibo start the conversation.

" Zhan ge , what's wrong with Yichen ?"

Xiao Zhan looked up at Yibo. He smiled and said ," Yichen has ERSD . He needs kidney transplant but we haven't found the right one for him."

" Mn."

" He is smart and nice kid."

" Mn ."

" Yibo , what were you talking with him ?"

" He told me that he feel bore staying there all the time. He said he wants to run around."

" Sure he wants. That kid has a lots of energy." Zhan said and chuckled.

" Since when he has been hospitalised ?"

" Almost for nine months."


Then they have their dinner. Zhan helped Yibo with dishes. After that they went to sleep.

Next day when Zhan was in hospital as usual talking with his friends during lunch break.

" Hey , Zhan why don't you take Yibo with you somewhere ?" Meng Xia said.

" Huh ?" Zhan got confused.

" I mean like dinner outside. "

" Great idea , Xia." Yang said who had just come.

" Anyway Zhan you are not that busy now . You go home on time too." Yang said making a cup of coffee for himself.

" Isn't that fast ? " Zhan said .

" What fast ? Idiot, he is your husband not crush whom you just get in contact." Yang said and Xia gave him a thumbs up.

" Umm.. yeah." Zhan said as he was thinking about the idea.

Zhan was about to leave as his alarm rang notifying he had to go. As he was leaving the emergency alarm rang. It only budge when there were really severe situation like big accidents.

Zhan recieved a call saying that he needed in ER. When Zhan went there everything was hectic. Many injured people were in process of treatment.

" Oh ! Dr. Xiao. " Dr. Wu of ER said.

" Dr. Wu what's the situation ?" Zhan asked.

" A major bus accident happened . Also a fire accident in a building. Patients are still coming. We need doctors here. ." Dr. Wu hurriedly said as he was in hurry.

Zhan nodded and went to his work. They didn't had time to talk. Nurses and doctors were checking patients in categories so they can handle sever cases first.

Xiao Zhan was went to patient who did not had a doctor. He started doing his work. Soon they got a patient who needed emergency surgery. The patient had a rod pierced through his stomach. Zhan went directly to him after stabilizing his earlier patient. He shouted to tell nurse to prepare OT.

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