Chapter - 10

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Next morning Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan did their routine. Wang Yibo was taking his things from the room.He had some documents in his hand as he turned to get his back he bumped in Zhan who also holding some files. Their file's fell on ground and mixed up.

" Sorry." Yibo apologise while crouching down to picked up the files.

Zhan also sat down and spoke ," it's alright. "

They picked their documents and Yibo put them in his bag.

" Let's go." Zhan said when he saw Yibo was ready.

Wang Yibo nodded and they left.

After reaching to his office Wang Yibo took out a file and opened it. He sighed seeing the content and got up . When others saw Yibo leaving his desk , they got curious. Yibo was the person who never involved himself with others except his friends. He won't talk unless it's related to work.

Wang Yibo went out of the company and took a taxi to go to Zhan's hospital as the file wasn't his but some medical report.

When he went to hospital he went to nurse receptionist to ask about Zhan.

" Sir, may I know who are you ? "

" I am Dr. Xiao's husband , Xiao Wang Yibo."

" Oh ! Dr. Xiao must be on round for checking his patients. "

Before Yibo could say or ask anything he heard a kid's voice.

" So you are uncle Xiao's husband ?" Yichen said holding his chin and checking Yibo from head to toe.

Yibo saw the boy. He got confuse by Yichen words. He just stare at him .

" You are beautiful as he said ." Yichen said coming closer to Yibo.

" What ? " Wang Yibo said and his ears turned red.

" You are Dr. Xiao's husband. Come with me ." Yichen said like a mature man.

Yibo did not move neither spoke.

" I am Dr. Xiao's patient."

Wang Yibo nodded but still didn't move.

" Are you not coming with me ?" Yichen asked raising his eyebrows.

" Mr. XiaoWang , he is Yichen. Dr. Xiao is his doctor." The nurse informed.

" I will call him." Yibo said and fished out his phone.

He dialed Zhan's number. After two rings Zhan picked up the phone.

" Zhan ge , I am in your hospital."

" No , I am fine."

" My file got mixed with your medical files. I come to take it."

" I am at the reception."

As soon as Yibo said this Yichen tugged Yibo's hand and his hand fall down . Yichen took the phone.

" Uncle Xiao , your husband is with me. Come to my ward."

Yichen said and cut the call. Then he gave back Yibo his phone.

Wang Yibo was stunned by the act.

" Kid , why you did that ? " Yibo asked.

" I want to talk with you. Please gege come with me." Yichen said giving puppy eyes to Yibo. He was now acting all cute completely different how he was acting earlier.

Yibo glanced at his watch . He was getting late but he had no other option until Zhan came back so he decided to listen the little boy .

" Ok."

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