Chapter - 12

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Wang Yibo, after doing dishes, walked towards living room . Zhan followed Yibo as Yibo did not give a glance to him. He felt that he went overboard in his teasing.

" Yibo , are you angry ? "

" I'm sorry. I was just...."

Wang Yibo stopped after hearing Zhan apologizing.

" I'm not angry. " Yibo said looking straight into Zhan's eyes.

" Neither I am frustrated nor annoyed." Yibo added further.

" Really ?"

" Hmm." Yibo hummed with a small smile.

" Ok , that's great." Zhan gave a bright smile seeing Yibo's smile.

" Let's go to sleep." Zhan said and moved towards his room. Wang Yibo turned to living room but stopped as he felt Zhan gripping his hand. He turned around to meet Zhan's hesitating gaze.

" Yibo , why don't we sleep together ? "

Yibo was stunned but his face was stoic . Zhan couldn't understand what Yibo was thinking. He got tensed under Yibo's gaze.

" I didn't mean anything... Umm.. no , I mean it..... No what I wanna say...... " Zhan was flabbergasted but then he closed his eyes to calm himself and open them.

"I mean let's sleep like we did when mom came." Zhan explained this time calmly. He didn't want to give wrong idea to Yibo.

" If you are comfortable." Zhan added in last.

"Ok" Yibo said .

" Really ? " Zhan didn't thought Yibo would agree easily.

Yibo nodded and Zhan dragged Yibo with him.

" Let's sleep together from now on ." Zhan said and get in bed. Yibo walked to the otherside and also got inside the quilt. Yibo laid down turning his back to Zhan while Zhan was on his back , staring at ceiling.

After 10 minutes, Zhan broke the silence , turning to Yibo.

" Yibo"

Yibo didn't react. Zhan touched Yibo's shoulder turning him to his side. Zhan saw that Yibo was already wandering in his dreamland . He chuckled.

" He was telling me to rest when he himself was this much exhausted." Zhan whispered.

He stared at Yibo's face before caressing it with back of his hand. Yibo feeling the warmth slide more towards Zhan. Zhan saw the action and chuckled lightly but the next moment he got stiff as Yibo hugged him.

Zhan's breath hitched and he became straight as rod.

' Should I remove him ?'

' Nah , what if he wake up ?'

' I should have known from last time that Yibo like to hug in sleep .'

' Come on Zhan ,  he is your husband.'

Zhan was questioning and answering on his own in his head. He turned to Yibo who had such a relax face, Zhan didn't have heart to disturb him. He turned to Yibo so that Yibo became comfortable. He slide his hand under Yibo's head slowly. Now  Yibo was in Zhan's embrace and his face was snuggling in Zhan's chest.

Zhan smiled. It wasn't a bad feeling holding his husband in his arms and when he fit perfectly like a missing piece of puzzle. Zhan really wanted to give this marriage a chance and that's the reason he proposed Yibo for sleeping together. 

Xiao Zhan closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.


In morning the two souls were entangled in a cozy room, sleeping in each other warmth but the harmonious atmosphere was ruined by a ring of alarm.

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