Chapter - 34

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The morning was beautiful. The two souls were sleeping peacefully after a beautiful night. Zhan groaned and turned to other side. Yibo was still in his arms. He opened his eyes slowly and saw his husband's sleeping face. Zhan smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead.

He could see his marks on Yibo's neck and collars . He knew that situation under the blanket wasn't different. He hugged Yibo more tightly.

Sensing the movement around him, Yibo woke up. Zhan when saw Yibo opening his eyes , he smiled.

" Good morning, Bo" Zhan said kissing Yibo.

" Good morning" Yibo's voice was hoarse.

Yibo then recalled their last night activity, he felt his face burning. He hid himself in Zhan's chest. Zhan when saw Yibo's action, chuckled.

" My Bobo is so cute " Zhan said.

" Don't be shy " Zhan said caressing Yibo's head.

Yibo noticed the marks on Zhan's neck. He caressed it with his fingertip.

Zhan when felt Yibo's action he knew what Yibo was doing.

" My baby was fierce last night." Zhan teased.

Yibo hit Zhan lightly on his chest making Zhan laughed.

" Look, he still is." Zhan said.

Yibo hit him again.

" Shut up , Zhan ge ! " Yibo said.

" Ah, now you are scolding me ." Zhan said pouting.

Yibo smiled to see the pout and pecked it.

" What time is it ? " Yibo asked.

" It's 7 : 30 " Zhan said.

" Ah ! Why didn't you wake me up earlier ? " Yibo said sitting. He was wearing oversized T - shirt. Zhan had cleaned them after their activity.

" Are you going to work ? " Zhan asked sitting.

" Hm. " Yibo said.

" Zhan ge , don't you have to go ? " Yibo asked.

" Hm,  I was about to get up but are you ok ? " Zhan asked worried.

Yibo took few minutes to realise what Zhan was asking.

" I'll be fine. I have important meeting." Yibo said with red ears.

" Are you sure ? Can't you take one day leave ? " Zhan asked worried.

Yibo smiled and cupped Zhan's face," Don't worry, I'll be fine. I only look fragile."

Of course Zhan knew his husband is strong. He had seen it himself but still he couldn't help but get worried.

" Ok then ." Zhan said smiling.

Yibo smiled and tried to get off from bed but he hissed slightly and Zhan immediately lift him in his arms.

" What are you doing, Zhan ge ? " Yibo asked.

" Let me help you in bath. I promise I won't do anything." Zhan said.

" I should have controlled myself last night." Zhan said.

He wasn't regretting last night but he didn't want Yibo to go on work while in pain but he also knew the work was important so he couldn't force Yibo to stay at home. It was good that he didn't go for another round after first round.

" But I gave you the permission." Yibo said in low voice.

Zhan smiled hearing his husband. His husband could never let him blame himself.  He took Yibo to bathroom and after an innocent bath , Zhan made breakfast for them . Then he dropped Yibo at his company even after Yibo's resistance.

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