Chapter - 28

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" I asked you something ? " Zhan said angrily.

" Oh , Zhan Zhan don't be angry." The women said lovingly but only made Zhan felt disgusting.

" Don't call me that,  Liu Chang.” Zhan's veins were throbbing in his temples.

" Come on baby, I'm back. I'm sorry for past." Liu Chang said.

Others were watching this surprised.

Zhan noticed that they were getting too much attention so he grabbed the girls hand and went to place where there were less people. But some nurses were still watching them.

" What you want now ? " Zhan asked. He was barely controlling himself from getting snapped.

" You "  the woman said.

" What the fuck ! " Zhan cursed.

" I want you zhanzhan . I'm sorry about past. I love you. I realised after breaking up that I love you too much ." Liu Chang said while showing a remorseful face.


" Believe me Zhan , I really love you."

" For your kind information I'm married."

" I know , but I heard it's  a man. "

Zhan was now getting more agitated.

" Zhan, I can't live without you. Believe me ."
Liu Chang said and wrapped her hands around Zhan's arm like a snake.

Zhan felt disgusted by it. He was about to push him when he heard which scared him.

" Mr XiaoWang." Someone said.

Zhan turned to other side and saw Yibo standing there . He was horrified. He didn't wanted to be misunderstood by his husband and when he didn't tell him his feelings.

Yibo had found Zhan's ID card in his stuffs so he came to give it back. When he entered in hospital he saw that everyone was looking in certain directions . He also decided to see what was happening and when he came he saw a snake was trying to wrapped around his husband. He heard Zhan telling her that he was married. Yibo could see the how angry was Zhan but instead of interrupting he decided to see what Zhan would do.

" Yibo, it's not like that." Zhan said and tried to Remove himself from the grip but that woman made her hold tighter.

Yibo moved towards them. Everyone was waiting for more drama.

Liu Chang was stunned for a moment to see Yibo. She was pretty but can't be compared to Yibo. When she heard Zhan tried to explain, she gritted her teeth. She can't loose,  no , not to a man.

When he saw Yibo's poker face she couldn't tell whether he was angry or not so she assumed he had misunderstood Zhan.

" The population of bitches are increasing day by day" Yibo said.

Others laughing while putting their hands on mouth.

Zhan was stunned by Yibo's words and Liu Chang greeted her teeth.

" What are you saying, boy ? " Liu Chang said angrily.

" I didn't say anything to you but if you think you are one then what can I do ." Yibo said still poker faced.

Others were having  difficulty in holding in their laughter.

" And by the way who are you to interrupt our private conversation ? " Liu Chang asked knowing very well Yibo's identity.

" I'm the person whose husband's hand you are holding." Yibo said.

"  So you are the one . You sure are pretty but you can't come between us. Zhan and I were lovers and we still have feelings. You are just a third person." Liu Chang said smirking.

Zhan tried to spoke but Yibo beat him.

" Miss, you sure have a problem with your brain. Because here , he is my legal husband and you are an ex lover." Yibo said pointing at Zhan.

" And miss you sure have no manners about how to approach a married man. You are grabbing my husband's hand not the other way so you know what it makes you ? " Yibo said.

Yibo's word were respectful but filled with insult.

Liu Cheng gritted his teeth and released Zhan's hand.

" You ! It's because of you. You bewitched my Zhan, you s.."  She couldn't complete because Yibo's voice made her shiver.

" Don't dare to complete that word ! " Yibo's voice became cold like dripping with ice. His eyes froze making them deadly.

Zhan was stunned to see Yibo this cold. Now he realised Yibo wasn't even one percent cold to him in start.

Liu Chang stumbled on his feet.

" keep your filthy words to yourself . They better suits you ."

Liu Chang was scared and she left while stomping his feet.

Other's didn't heard what Yibo said as he spoke in very low but stern tone and neither saw his face but they knew the bitch got his lesson.

" Yibo, it wasn't like that. It was all in past. I don't know why she come back. I don't have any feelings for her. I'm telling truth, believe..." Zhan was babbling non stop as he knew Yibo was very sensitive. He didn't want Yibo to be disppointed in him . He didn't want  Yibo to close himself from him.

Seeing Zhan getting all nervous Yibo covered his mouth with his palm.

" Shh..... Calm down Zhan ge" Yibo said calmly. His voice was soft and eyes were holding tenderness.

Zhan stared at Yibo's face, he relaxed a bit.
Yibo removed his hand and made Zhan lower down his head slightly by putting his hand on Zhan's nape. Zhan didn't resist, neither speak.

Yibo gave a light, soft and chaste kiss on Zhan's forehead. That gesture pacify the storm rising in Zhan's heart.

Yibo cupped Zhan's face and said," I believe you. I trust you. My Zhan ge is not a dishonest person." Yibo said with a soft smile.

" I just came to give you this. Let's talk at home." Yibo said showing Zhan the ID card.

Yibo put the card in Zhan's pocket and hugged him.

" I'll listen you if you tell me . Don't overthink. Just focus on your work" Yibo said caressing Zhan's head.

Zhan nodded his head and hugged Yibo tightly.

" Ok , Zhan ge , I have to go back. You know I have work too." Yibo said breaking the hug.

Zhan nodded but still holding Yibo's hand. He was looking like a puppy.

" Zhan ge, don't you have patients. Think about them and forget everything." Yibo said.

Zhan nodded and this time he left Yibo's hand.

" Go back safely." Zhan said. Yibo nodded and then he left.

The spectators were squealing in his heart. Their couple was safe. They couldn't hear anything but they saw Yibo kissing Zhan and they knew Yibo understood the situation.

Zhan smiled slightly remembering the kiss. He went back to his work with a calm heart.


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