Chapter - 21

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Wang Yibo was sleeping on his table with his his head on a pile of documents . He woke up because of alarm.  No one had come yet . He got up and went to wash room . After washing his face , he came back and tidy his desk.

After half an hour others started to come. When Feng 's team members saw Yibo, they sneered at him but Wang Yibo ignore them. He walked back to his cabin after making coffee.

Yibo's teammates came one by one.

" Yibo, here your breakfast." Yuexi said.

" Thank you." Yibo said.

When everyone came he gave them the papers he prepared last night after analysing everything again and started to do  explain the details while eating sandwiches and sipping coffee. When he was in the middle of discussion, his phone rang. He picked up and moved in corner.

" Good morning , Bo " A voice came from otherside.

" Good morning, Zhan ge "

" Have you eaten breakfast ? "

" Yes "

" Ok "

" Ok"

The call get disconnected. Yibo came back and continue their discussion.

" But isn't it a little deviate from the need of client ? "

" It seems so but it isn't." Yibo said and gave them some sheets.

" Look at these. "

" The company want to make their product popular and attractive and wants an emblem which can clearly define their messages behind the product which they wanted to give to consumers. Also it must be unique."

" Then why choose different for every single product. Isn't it better if same types of product has same emblem which may have a slight difference to differentiate among them."

" Hm, now it seems a good idea."

" Did you prepare this report in one night senior Wang ? "

" You all have done all the research, I have just analyse it to find a new opportunity." Yibo said.

" Ok ,now get down to buisness." Wang Yibo said.

" Hm, Yibo ? " Yuexi whispered.

" Not now. We don't have time" Yibo said.

Zhang Yuexi went to his desk. Actually he wanted to ask whether he told Zhan or not.

During lunch Yibo went back home to change his clothes. He aslo pack some spare clothes so he would not have to come back again.

On the otherside Zhan was checking Yichen.

" Uncle Xiao, will gege come to meet me again ? "

" Chen Chen, he is busy. I don't know" Zhan said smiling.

" Oh "

" Don't be sad, when he will get time he'll come."

" Hm"

" Uncle Xiao, tell gege, I want to eat his cooking."

" Ok "

" Now rest , I have to go " Zhan said and turned to leave.

Zhan went to check other patients.


In company, Wang Yibo and his team was working really hard. They were trying their best. Wang Yibo was sitting at the centre, others were asking his opinion and showing him their work. Wang Yibo was listening them and discussing , unaware of a pair of eyes which was looking through the unblurred portion of glass door.

Feng had just came out of his cabin. Because of their cabins at short distance, they often meet to each other. He was watching how they were working . He turned around.

" Well who has important business can leave and others will stay." Wang Yibo said.

" I'll stay " Yuexi said without hesitation.

" Me too. It's our work. We can't let people throw mud on us ." San said.

Others also nodded. Wang Yibo nodded and they again started to do their business.  At night they all ordered noodles for dinner. As everyone was having dinner while discussing work.

When everyone went to their desk , San and Yuexi came to Yibo.

" Yibo , do you have any idea how they stole our work ? " San said , anger was clear in his voice.

"  No, let's focus on this first." Yibo said.

San and Yuexi nodded and went back to work.


When Zhan went home , he went to shower and for dinner, he opened the fridge and found new dish . He got confused as he didn't make it . He take out the box and read the note sticked on the top which had Yibo's name on it. Zhan got the idea that Yibo must had come in afternoon. Zhan smiled and sat for dinner. After dinner he went to sleep like other day. He fell asleep while remembering the food made by his husband. 


In hospital , Zhan was with Xia.

" So Yibo is in company ? "

" Hm, there is a problem."

"  So are you missing him ?" Xia teased.

" It's weird to be alone at home."

" It's not Weird , duffer. It means you miss him."

" May be "

" Oh , I heard a new nurse hit on you."

" Where do you hear all these things ? " Zhan asked frustrated.

" Hey , so what's the deal ?"

Zhan sighed.

" She is new nurse who has just joined . She brought a lunch box for me and I rejected her telling that I'm married and that to a man. Nothing serious "

" Well if she dare to pester other nurses won't leave her ."

" What do you mean ?"

" You don't know. The nurses love you and Yibo as a couple. They said that you two are match made in heaven."

" How do you know when I don't ? "

" Because I always keep my ears open ."

Zhan rolled his eyes on her antics.

" Zhan...." Xia said.

" Hm " Zhan looke up.

" Nothing" Xia said with a smile making Zhan raised his eyebrow.

Meng Xia wasn't from those who hesitated to speak their mind.

" Is something matter ?" Zhan asked.

" Nothing, nothing" Xia said waving her hands in front.

" Ok " Zhan shrugged.

Xia sipped his coffee. Then after that Zhan left.


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