Chapter - 6

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It's been few days Xiao Zhan and Yibo became friends. Every morning they had their breakfast together and at dinner, they talk about their day. It was mostly Zhan who tell Yibo about his day and ask Yibo about his work. Wang Yibo answered Zhan whatever he ask.

Xiao Zhan hadn't stayed at hospital from that one day. He sometimes got late and found Yibo waiting for him . He didn't say anything but he liked the feeling that someone was waiting for him.

It was weekend and both Yibo and Zhan were at home . They decided to do the laundary as they couldn't because of their work.

After doing it, Yibo and Zhan were exhausted. They both sat on the sofa.

" It's tiring." Xiao Zhan said leaning on the sofa.

" I am hungry." Xiao Zhan said.

" Well it's lunch time. I will make something." Wang Yibo said and about to get up but stopped by Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan grabbed Yibo's hand , still lying on sofa.

" Don't bother. You are tired too. Let's order."

Wang Yibo glanced at his wrist which Zhan was holding and sat again. Xiao Zhan let go Yibo's hand and sat straight.

" Ok ." Wang Yibo said.

" I will order some sea food .Do you want anything else Yibo ? "

" Hmm chicken and noodles."

" Ok "

Xiao Zhan orders the food and lie down again. Wang Yibo got up and went to kitchen. After few minutes he came back with fruits .

" Here eat these untill food come ." Wang Yibo said placing the plate in front of Zhan.

Zhan open his eyes and saw apple neatly cut and arranged.

" You know you don't have to do this." Xiao Zhan said but sat up and took a piece.

Wang Yibo didn't spoke.

" Hey are you not gonna eat ?" Xiao Zhan asked as he saw Yibo sitting on the mattress on floor.

" I am not hungry. " Wang Yibo answered.

" Why are you not hungry ? You don't eat properly that's why you are so thin." Xiao Zhan said.

" I eat enough ."

" No you don't. Now eat. " Xiao Zhan said putting a piece in front of Yibo's lips. It brushed lightly on Yibo's soft red lips.

Wang Yibo stared at Zhan's hand and then his face.

" Don't just stare, eat." Xiao Zhan said .

Wang Yibo took a bite from Zhan's hand. His lips slightly touch Zhan's fingers. Xiao Zhan felt shiver run down his body. He stared at Yibo's lips . They were so alluring that Xiao Zhan gulped hard seeing those rosy lips. He immediately took his hand away and looked other side.

" Y.. you don't... J...ust sit . Eat from these." Xiao Zhan stuttered . He cursed himself in his mind for shuttering.

Wang Yibo looked up at Zhan's face . He found Zhan's cheek slightly red.

" Zhan ge , are you ok ? Why is your face red ?" Wang Yibo asked. He was worried but his face didn't show anything.

" I'm fine. I must be tired from cleaning." Zhan said and sighed in relief that he didn't stutter this time.

" Oh " Wang Yibo said rounding his lips.

Xiao Zhan when saw this he felt the same sensation. he fill his mouth with the half piece which was in his hand and took another one.

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