Chapter - 41

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It's been nine month , Yibo was spending his time at home. He has resigned from company as now he couldn't work in his situation. Also Yibo wanted to give his time to his child after his birth. He started to do some online trading and investment.  He was also learning about buisness online as he decided to build his own company.

When he told Zhan about his plan , Zhan got agreed as he knew how much important it for Yibo to give their child time. He also told Zhan that he was anyway going to resign as he decided it already.

Zhan's mom had started to live with them to take care of yibo as Zhan needed to go hospital. Yibo didn't want Zhan to get worried all the time . Also he didn't want Zhan to take leave frequently from his work so he suggested this idea.

Now Yibo was in leaving room doing some work on his laptop. His bump had grown so it was difficult for Yibo to move or sit.

" Yibo dear , here eat something." Mrs Xiao said giving Yibo nicely cutted fruits.

" Mom, I'm not hungry." Yibo said.

" Yibo, eat these. It's not good for you to work empty stomach."

" I've eaten the dishes just one hour ago." Yibo said.

" Aiyaa, eat it. It doesn't matter. Just eat few , ok ? " Mrs Xiao said trying Yibo to eat something.

Yibo took the plate as he knew his mother in law could be stubborn sometimes.

" Yibo, are your legs still hurting ? " Mrs Xiao asked.

" No, mom . It's fine now. You should rest too, mom. Don't worry." Yibo said .

Yibo got leg cramps and back pain frequently and his feet most of time remain swollen. It's really painful for him. Sometimes he couldn't even able to sleep.

" You aren't giving me any worry. How can be I worried ? " Mrs Xiao said complaining.

Yibo smiled slightly. Now he knew , after living with his mother in law , where his Zhan ge got his personality.

Mrs Xiao then started to tell how she used to throw tantrums when she was with Zhan. Yibo was listening everything eagerly, smiling a little in between.

In evening Zhan came. He didn't stay in hospital even for a single time since the day he got news of being a father.

" I'm back , mom." Zhan said coming inside.

" Welcome back." Mrs Xiao said.

" Where is Yibo ? " Zhan asked roaming his eyes around.

" He is sleeping. His legs were hurting again but that boy didn't say anything, not for once. He thinks that I don't notice it." Mrs Xiao said complaining as she knew with Zhan Yibo will be different.

Zhan sighed. He knew how his husband is.

" You know him, mom." Zhan said.

Mrs Xiao sighed and turned back to kitchen. Zhan went to his room, he saw his husband sleeping. He smiled. Yibo had become more cute and beautiful with those round cheeks and baby bump.

He approached Yibo and placed a feathery kiss on his forehead. He didn't want to wake up Yibo. He went to take shower and when he came back Yibo was still sleeping. Yibo stirred a little in his sleep with a frown. Zhan when saw him knitting his brows. He sat at the edge of bed and placed the feet of his husband on his lap which was inside the blanket. He started massaging the feet. He was well aware of Yibo's cramping situation.
Zhan could see how they had swollen.

Yibo got relax but he got up from his slumber.

" Zhan ge " Yibo said in sleepy , low voice.

" Sorry, did I wake you up ? " Zhan said softly.

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