Chapter - 22

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It's been already three days and today was the day , Yibo was going to present their new project.

" Everyone did a great job." Wang Yibo said.

Yibo was calm but his team wasn't. Yibo when saw their face he knew what they were afraid of.

" You all don't worry. Just relax." Yibo said.

" How can we ? If the project won't be selected then it's ok but about the stealing thing.... Senior Wang, you ...." One member said.

" Don't put so much pressure. We'll prove our innocence." Yibo said.

Others nodded but their heart were still restless.

After calming his team Yibo went to meeting room to present their work. Outside the meeting room , he saw Feng.There eyes meet. No one spoke just went inside .

This time too, Feng presented first and then Yibo. The new work was different from previous one with new key points. The client had a satisfaction on his face but still they have to wait.

After meeting, when the client left , Mrs Li approached Yibo.

" It was fantastic"

" But you know about..."

" I know . You will hear about that soon , Mrs Li." Yibo said and bowed .

Mrs Li nodded and left.

" So from where you steal it this time ? " Feng said.

" You'll know soon, senior." Yibo said this and left.

Yibo went to his team and told about what Mrs Li said. They were happy but suddenly became gloomy again as they didn't want Yibo to leave and not when he was wrongly accused.

" Order lunch, I'll pay." Yibo said.

Others face lit up again. They trust their senior. Wang Yibo was deadly, they knew. So everyone ordered their favourite food .

" Yuexi , you think Yibo has a plan ?" San said

" You remember last time when someone mess with him. "

" Oh ! That guy who accused Yibo that he seduced him and in reality he tried to harass Yibo." San said .

" Yes, you remember Yibo's face. It was covered with frost. It still makes me tremble."

" Yibo first show everyone the evidence, that recoding and then he beat the shit out of him." Yuexi said laughing.

" No one can imagine him doing something like that." San also laughed.

" So trust him. He is smart." Yuexi said.

Around 5 PM, Yibo was in Mrs Li's cabin and he forgot his phone at the desk. It rang few times but no one picked up.

Then Yuexi went towards his desk and saw it was Zhan who was calling.

" Hello "

" Hello , who ? " Zhan frowned.

" Xiao Zhan, it's Yuexi."

" Zhang Yuexi, where is Yibo ?"

" He is in a meeting. He forget his phone in cabin."

" Oh "

" By the way , is your company problem solved ? "

" What ?"

" Yibo said there is a problem in company so you guys are solving."

" So he didn't tell you ? Ahhh !" Yuexi said frustratedly and cursed Yibo in his mind.

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