Chapter - 37

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Zhan drive to their home while glancing time to time at Yibo who was sitting beside him with closed eyes.

When Zhan reached at their apartment building, he came to other side and opened the door. He leaned to scooped Yibo in his arms but suddenly Yibo opened his eyes and resist Zhan.

" Bo, what happen ? " Zhan asked lovingly.

Yibo shook his head.

" Bo , are you drunk ? " Zhan asked as now Yibo's cheeks were slightly pink.

Yibo again shook his head.

" Bo, look at Zhan ge " Zhan said as Yibo wasn't looking at him.

Yibo looked up and seeing Yibo's hazy eyes , Zhan knew his husband was drunk.

" Bo, you don't wanna me to lift you ? " Zhan asked.

This time Yibo didn't respond.

" Bo, tell me what you want and we'll do it ." Zhan said coaxing.

Yibo stared at Zhan for few minutes before speaking.

" Piggy back" Yibo said.

Zhan smiled hearing the demand. His baby was really behaving like a baby.

" Ok" Zhan said and crouched down in front of Yibo, facing his back to him.

" Hope on , my baby ." Zhan said.

Yibo giggled and snaked his hand around Zhan's neck and wrapping his legs around Zhan's waist.

Hearing Yibo giggle , Zhan had no words to describe his feelings.

" Is my baby happy ? " Zhan asked.

Yibo nodded nuzzling in his husband's nape.

Zhan smiled and took his baby to their apartment in the same position.

When they entered in their room, Zhan carefully let Yibo get down on bed.

Yibo sat on bed while crossing his legs.

Zhan removed his coat and sat in front of Yibo.

" Baby , can Zhan ge take off your coat ? It's uncomfortable for my baby."

Yibo nodded and Zhan gently remove the coat leaving Yibo in black shirt.

" Baby , wanna take bath ? "

Yibo shook his head.

" So what my baby want ? " Zhan asked.

" Icecream" Yibo said making Zhan chuckled .

" Ok, sit here . Zhan ge will bring." Zhan said kissing Yibo's hairs.

As Zhan about to move Yibo hold his hand.

" What happen baby ? " Zhan asked.

" Take me " Yibo said with innocent eyes.

" Sure " Zhan said smiling and picked up Yibo again and Yibo clung on Zhan like a Koala putting his face in Zhan's crook.

Zhan walked towards kitchen with Yibo . He took out ice-cream and made Yibo sit on kitchen counter. Zhan started to feed Yibo and Yibo ate like an obedient kid.

After feeding, Zhan licked Yibo's lips.

" it's tasty, baby . Wasn't it ? " Zhan said again licking Yibo's mouth corners.

Yibo nodded.

Zhan got a brilliant idea seeing Yibo defenseless.

" Baby, can Zhan ge ask something ? " Zhan said.

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