Chapter - 39

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Time skip - one month

Zhan was making breakfast when Yibo suddenly came.

" Zhan ge , what are you making ? " Yibo asked.

" Omlet" Zhan answered and looked at Yibo and saw him scrunching his nose.

" Bo, you are being cute in morning." Zhan said and pinching Yibo's nose.

" It's..." Yibo didn't blush this time as he was feeling nauseated.

Zhan got worried to see Yibo still scrunching his nose. He off the stove and turned to Yibo.

" Bo, what happen ? Are you not feeling well ? " Zhan asked.

" It's smell is so strong. " Yibo said pointing at egg and took a few steps back.

Zhan approached Yibo and made him sit on chair.

" Are you sick ? " Zhan asked with concern.

Yibo shook his head.

" It's because of strong smell. I'm nauseous ."Yibo said.

Zhan checked Yibo's temperature and pulse. He was fine. Zhan frowned.

" Do you wanna go hospital ? Let me check you there." Zhan said worried.

" I'm fine, Zhan ge. I told you it's because of smell." Yibo said.

" Ok , let me make you some toast for you." Zhan said but still he was worried.

Yibo nodded. He really couldn't eat that omlet.

Soon Zhan done making breakfast and served on table.

While eating Zhan said," Bo, why don't you rest at home ?"

" Zhan ge , I'm really ok." Yibo assured.

" Alright " Zhan sighed.

Then Yibo and Zhan left for work. When Zhan stop his car for Yibo to drop, he was still frowning.

Yibo saw this and sighed. He cupped Zhan's face and kissed on his forehead, easing the brows. Yibo had become a little more courageous than before in showing his feelings by both action and in words.

" Zhan ge , stop frowning." Yibo said softly.

Zhan sighed. He nodded. Yibo smiled and again kissed Zhan on his cheeks.

" Take care " Zhan said smiling a little.

Yibo nodded and get off the car. Zhan drive to hospital with a heavy heart. He knew Yibo take care of himself and he wasn't looking that sick but still he couldn't help but get worried.


In company, Wang Yibo came back after a meeting. He was feeling dizzy. He went to his desk and sat down.

" Yibo, are you ok ? " Yuexi asked.

" Hm, I'm." Yibo said.

" Are you sure ? " Yuexi asked.

Yibo nodded. Yuexi came back to his seat.


Zhan had just come out of a surgery and just had changed his clothes when he received a call.

" Hello " Zhan said.

" Xiao Zhan, it's me San. Yibo is in hospital."

Zhan heart stop hearing the news. His heart wasn't restless in vain since morning.

" Where ? " Zhan asked desperately.

San told him about Yibo's ward. Zhan rushed out from his office. His heart was beating crazily that it would come out anytime.

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