Chapter - 42( extra)

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It's been five years, Wang Yibo had established a small advertising and logo company. He was working as CEO. Xiao Zhan was still working in the hospital but now as senior surgeon. Their son was growing up in a naughty kid like his daddy. Wang Yibo take him with himself most of time.

Wang Yibo had just came in his office after attending a meeting.

" Papa is back ." A little , four year old boy cheerfully said.

Wang Yibo smiled to see his son sitting on his chair.

" Ms. Cui , you can leave." Wang Yibo said to his personal assistant.

Ms Cui bowed and left.

" Yes,  papa is back." Yibo said taking his little son in his arms.

Wang Yibo kissed his son's cheeks making him giggle. He sat with him on his lap on the sofa.

" What my Yu'er was doing ? "Yibo asked lovingly.

" Yu'er draw." Ming Yu said smiling and showing the small drawing notebook to his papa.

Wang Yibo saw scribbles on pages and smiled. His son loved playing with colours too much.

" Papa, Yu'er hungry." Ming Yu said pouting like his daddy. He was really a carbon copy of Zhan.

" Yu'er is hungry ? "

Ming Yu nodded with pout.

Wang Yibo chuckled and open the box on the table. He had ordered light food for his son.

" Here, open your mouth." Wang Yibo said.

Ming Yu parted his pouty lips and Wang Yibo feed him.

" Papa eat " Little Yu'er said.

Wang Yibo smiled and eat one spoon. He knew if he won't eat his son will stop eating at the same moment.

After eating Ming Yu yawned. Wang Yibo picked him up and placed on his lap.

" Yu'er sleepy ? "

Ming Yu nodded cutely and snuggled in Yibo's chest. Yibo patted him gently and soon Yu'er fell asleep. When he felt his son was in deep sleep, he laid down him on sofa and covered with blanket. After kissing his son's head Wang Yibo went to his desk to finish his work.

Evening come and Wang Yibo left for home with his son. They had purchased a new house near Zhan's hospital. It's a house big enough for a family of six people with a garden outside.

Yibo when arrived house, he parked his car. He picked up his son from backseat who was wide awake and they both walked inside the house.

The house was filled with their family photographs. Yibo take his son to fresh up. After a warm shower Wang Yibo went to kitchen and Ming Yu got busy with his toys.

After dinner both Yibo and his little sunshine resigned to room.

Around 11 : 00 PM Xiao Zhan come back. He walked towards his room and saw it empty. He didn't need to know where his husband was. He went to bathroom and after taking a shower, he walked towards their son's room.

Seeing the scene in the room, his heart melt.
Wang Yibo was half sitting and half lying, sleeping and their son was snuggling on his chest, covered with small blanket only to cover his small body.

Xiao Zhan smiled. He knew Yibo must be telling some stories to their son as he always demanded. Xiao Zhan moved forward. He gently picked up his son and laid him on the bed covering with quilt, kissing his forehead.

He then picked his husband up in his arms who snuggled in his chest. Zhan knew Yibo must be tired from his work as well as taking care of their son.

He went back to his room and tucked Yibo in bed carefully. He kissed his forehead before going out to have dinner.

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