Chapter - 30

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Wang Yibo was sleeping peacefully while snuggling his face in pillow. His plum lips were little parted , his calm breathing could be heard, his not so long lashes were looking beautiful, his face was relax like a baby.

Wang Yibo stirred hearing the alarm , he frowned slightly with closed eyes, he reached out to his phone without opening his eyes.

He turned off the alarm and lay down again his eyelashes flutter before he open his eyes slowly and the first scene he saw was his husband's handsome face which was adored by a smile, filled with affection.

Zhan woke up earlier and felt blessed to have his love in his arms. He made placed Yibo's head on pillow without waking his up. He found how cute his husband look while sleeping and then he saw the cute frown which he had never scene while his husband was awake.

When he saw Yibo had been awakened and opened his eyes , he said," Good morning , bobo "

Yibo felt shy as well happy how Zhan was looking at him.

" Good morning , Zhan ge"

" Why are you staring , Zhan ge ? " Yibo said in his hoarse, sleepy voice.

" My lovely husband is so beautiful " Zhan said and chuckled seeing Yibo shy.

" And he looks more beautiful with these red cheeks ." Zhan said caressing Yibo's face.

" We have to go on work " Yibo said trying his best not to tremble every time his husband touch him.

" We have time. " Zhan said.

" Zhan ge " Yibo said .

" Yes, baby " Zhan said.

" I'm not baby. " Yibo said slightly looking annoyed.

" You are. "

" You are my baby, my bobo. " Zhan said and kissed Yibo on his lips. Yibo closed his eyes to feel the blissful moment.

After a minute Zhan broke the kiss and caressed Yibo's lower lip with his thumb.

" Your lips are so so sweet . I want to devour them." Zhan said.

" Shameless" Yibo said and pushed Zhan aside to get up and then he run to other bathroom.

Zhan laughed seeing Yibo running.

After laughing his heart content,Zhan went to other room to take shower as he wanted to prepare breakfast with Yibo.

When Yibo came , he saw Zhan had already freshen up. Then they both moved towards kitchen.

Zhan was helping as well as  teasing Yibo. After having a lovely breakfast, they left for work.


In hospital Zhan was interrogated by his friends.

" What's she doing here ?" Xia asked annoyed.

" She loves me, that what she said." Zhan said nonchalantly.

" Now she's doing shit talking about love." Xia snickered.

" Hey, what's with you Xia ? You should talk about this . " Yang said showing his phone scree to Xia.

Xia face immediately changed in to excitement.

Zhan was confused , he asked," what's this ?"

Xia turned Yang's phone towards Zhan while grinning and Zhan smiled seeing it smiled.

It was the photo where Yibo was kissing Zhan on forehead.

" It's what that you are seeing  ." Zhan said.

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