Chapter - 23

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Next morning Zhan woke up early and saw Yibo sleeping. He caressed his face and got up. He went to freshen up and after that moved towards the kitchen. He decided to make something special to cheer up Yibo.

After a while Yibo came towards the kitchen. Seeing Yibo all fresh, Zhan smiled.

" Good morning, Bo "

" Good morning, Zhan ge." Yibo said .

He was avoiding looking at Zhan.

" I'm sorry about last night. I just....." Yibo said not looking at the person on front. He didn't know how to explain last night situation.

Zhan smiled and moved towards Yibo . He hold his chin and made him look at his face.

" Why are you sorry ? I'm glad you let out those suffocating feelings ." Zhan said with a warm smile.

Yibo didn't spoke just stared at those dark black eyes , filled with gentleness.

" Promise me to involve me if you ever face trouble ." Zhan said. He freed Yibo's chin and forwarded his pinky finger.

" Hook with it to seal the promise." Zhan said.

Yibo looked down to see the small finger but still bigger than his own. Corner of Yibo's mouth lift up and he hooked his finger to seal the promise.

Zhan when saw Yibo's lips curling, he felt his heart satisfied. He joyfully shake their hooked fingers like a kid.

" Ok ! Now promise is sealed . You aren't allowed to break." Zhan said and Yibo nodded.

" I have prepared special breakfast today. Please do give good comments, sir." Zhan said , making Yibo chuckled.

Hearing Yibo chuckling for first time Zhan heart skip a beat. He turned to arrange the table. He served breakfast.

" How is it ? " Zhan asked.

" Delicious" Yibo said smiling.

Zhan smiled hearing it.

" Yibo ,so would you tell me what's the situation now ? Yuexi told me they would fire you ." Zhan asked.

" Everything is fine . Our new work get selected as for the evidence of our innocence I gave them to our head department yesterday."

" That's great . But how did you do ? "

" I always keep the records of my work, raw and complete both, with time. You know that whenever I do something on my computer, it saved with time and date automatically. I also told my team to keep records of their work. And also there is browsing history as we have to do lots of research. So it also shows how and when you did it . I asked them that to send me so I submit it to senior yesterday. Also other team complete the work two days before the submission date, they couldn't have done all the work so they couldn't have all the details."

" Did you already know something would happen ? "

" I have just experience." Yibo said eating food.

" When did you start working ? " Zhan asked. He wanted to know more about Yibo.

Yibo became silent and after a long pause he answered.

" At the age of 18 as part timer in my current company."

" So you have been working for nine years in same company."

Yibo nodded.

" Yibo, are you going today too ? "

" Hm"

" Zhan ge , aren't we little late today ? "

" Hm, you were sleeping. I don't want to wake you up ." Zhan said rubbing his nape.

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