Chapter - 35

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Xiao Zhan came home after his ordinary day in hospital and saw his husband arranging dinning table. He smiled and moved towards him. Wang Yibo looked at him with a small smile enough to flutter Zhan heart.

Zhao approached Yibo and pulled him for a kiss filled with love . Yibo snaked his arms around Zhan's neck and reciprocate the kiss. Zhan pulled Yibo by his waist and deepen the kiss. He broke the kiss when he felt Yibo breathless.

He caressed Yibo's tomato cheeks lovingly before planting a forehead kiss.

" How's your day ? " Zhan asked.

" Good " Yibo answered. He was still in Zhan's strong arms.

" My was exhausting as usual but now I'm feeling fresh after tasting my favourite candy." Zhan teased.

" Shameless " Yibo said and break the hug. He tried to move away.

Zhan laughed , holding Yibo more tightly.

" Only for my Bo " Zhan said nuzzling his nose in Yibo's crook.

" Zhan ge , go freshen up." Yibo said.

Zhan nodded but didn't leave Yibo.

" Zhan ge " Yibo said.

" Just a minute"

" Zhan ge " Yibo said again.

" Ah ! Going , going " Zhan said but still didn't leave.

" Zhan ge " Yibo said little seriously.

" Ah ! Don't be serious. I'm going." Zhan said pouting and freed Yibo from his arms. He turned reluctantly to leave.

Yibo smiled seeing the big pouting baby walking towards the room. It's not that he didn't like his husband's warmth but knowing Zhan he was sure his husband weren't going to have dinner.

After a quick shower Zhan came back and sat on the table . He didn't let Yibo served this time .

" How's Yichen ? " Yibo asked .

Zhan smiled and answered," He is fine and he is gonna more fine in future."

Yibo nodded.

After the dinner when they went in their room.

" Bo , what's this ? " Zhan asked while holding a box in his hand. He saw it on Yibo's working desk so he asked , curious.It was big enough to thoroughly cover his big palm. It was actually a small carton box.

" Nothing" Yibo said taking the box with lightening speed.

Zhan got stunned . He looked at Yibo with open mouth. Yibo averted his eyes from Zhan.

" Bo, can't I see ? " Zhan said.

Yibo didn't spoke. He didn't look at his husband.

" Ok , I won't ask. Come, let's sleep." Zhan said while getting in bed.

Zhan looked up at Yibo and saw him standing at the same place. He wasn't sad as he understand Yibo . He knew how introvert is Yibo so he will wait until his husband tell him on his own.

" Bo, come here , I'm sleepy. I wanna hug my baby." Zhan whined.

Yibo moved towards his husband , he put the box on night stand and get in bed. Zhan pulled him in his embrace and stroked his head gently.

After a long silence, Yibo suddenly spoke," Zhan ge , you can see."

" Bobo , I'll wait till you are ready. " Zhan said gently .

" Zhan ge , it's something I ordered from the place where we went for trip. You can see." Yibo said.

" Are you sure ? " Zhan asked. Even though now he was more curious than earlier.

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