Chapter - 3

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When Xiao Zhan arrived home , he found, Yibo setting the table.

"Hi !" Zhan said awkwardly as everything was new to him.

"Hello." Yibo greeted back with his poker face.

"I'll go freshen up first." Zhan hurriedly said and walked to his room.

When he opened the closest he found that Yibo had arranged his clothes. Then he looked around and found nothing much has changed except an extra laptop on night stand.

" Does he has nothing except clothes and laptop ? " Zhan muttered .

He took his clothes and went for shower.

When he came back he found Wang Yibo waiting for him.
Zhan quietly sat opposite to Yibo. Yibo served him and start eating.

" About this morning, I'm sorry." Zhan apologized.

" You have already apologized, Zhan ge. It's alright. Don't bother about that." Yibo said staring at Zhan.

Zhan nodded and start eating.

"Where did you learn cooking from ? " Zhan asked enjoying the warm meal.

" From internet." Yibo answered nonchalantly.

Zhan didn't know what to say . The guy in front of him seemed to have allergy from speaking.

" So what you did after I leave ?" Zhan tried to start a conversation again.

" I came home , arrange my clothes and other things." Yibo replied.

" You have very few things." Zhan comment.

"Mn , clothes, laptop and few books" Yibo said.

Zhan nodded. He was nodding a lot from yesterday.

After having dinner, Yibo again collected the dishes to wash them. But Zhan stopped him.

" Hey , let me do it. You have done it in the morning too." Zhan said coming towards wash basin.

" You must be tired. I was free all the day." Yibo said.

" Then let me help you . It will be faster."Zhan said and start helping. This time he didn't give Yibo to say anything.

Yibo didn't object and let Zhan help. They were looking perfect standing together.

After having dinner they got ready to sleep.
Wang Yibo grabbed his last night blanket and laptop and walked to his sleeping place.

He covered his legs and switched on his laptop and start working.

Xiao Zhan laid down and covered himself, thinking about his new life.


In morning, Wang Yibo again cooked . Xiao Zhan quietly ate the breakfast.
After finishing breakfast, they were coming down when Xiao Zhan asked," How far away is your company ?"

" Almost 40 minutes way from here . In the same direction as your hospital. " Yibo answered.

" You don't have a car , how will you go ? You will be late." Zhan frowned.

" That's why I am earlier than my usual time. I will go by bus or taxi." Wang Yibo said glancing at his watch.

" Let me drop you half way ." Zhan said.

"Ok" Wang Yibo agreed.

Xiao Zhan dropped Wang Yibo at a place where he could easily get taxi. After that he drive of to hospital.

Wang Yibo got a taxi. Wang Yibo worked in a Logo designer company as a graphic designer. The company wasn't big but neither too small. Wang Yibo was the team leader of five people group.

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