Chapter -20

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It's been two weeks. Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo both were busy. Whenever Xiao Zhan came home late he saw Wang Yibo sitting in front of his laptops with coffee mugs. When he didn't come he called or text Yibo to remind him to get some sleep.

Today was the last day and each team will present first in front of Mrs Li and one more executive of company and then after three days both team will present to client.

First who would present was Feng and his team.

Wang Yibo and his team was waiting for their turn. They all were excited as everyone put a lot of efforts. When Feng team came  outside , everyone has happy face. When they saw Wang Yibo and his team they smirked at them.

Wang Yibo told his team to come with him. Everyone sat at their position. Wang Yibo started his presentation and when he finished, both the seniors of the company was wearing complicate expressions.

Yibo when saw Mrs Li and other person who was sitting beside her. He knew something was wrong.

" Is there a problem, mam, sir ? " Yibo asked.

" Mr Wang, are you and your team the one who made this ? " The man asked.

" Yes sir, but what do you mean by this question ? " Yibo asked. His voice was calm but his eyes were intense.

The team mates of Yibo was now nervous as well as confused.

" Here, this is the project Mr. Feng has submitted ." Mrs Li said.

Wang Yibo took the project and his eyes  turned cold and brows knitted together. Seeing their team leader like this , others also tensed.

" What happened, Mr Wang ? " Wei San asked.

Wang Yibo gave him the file and seeing this Wei San froze. He gave the files to others. Everyone was gritting teeth but they couldn't loose their compose because they wanted to listen Yibo.

" Mr Wang as you have seen , everything is same except minor changes ." The man said.

" Sir , So you think me and my team steal their idea ? " Yibo's voice seemed to be covered with frost.

" Actually Mr Feng had completed it two days ago and showed Mrs Li and she showed it to me " The man said.

" So it means we are the cheaters . "Zhang Yuexi said filled with anger.

" It can be possible that they steal from us and then without effort copy it and showed to Mrs Li."

" And mam isn't the time was two weeks then why you accept their project ? " Zhang Yuexi was very angry. Not only her but each member. They gave their best so that someone call them cheater.

" Miss Zhang , I just checked it. It's not something wrong. Anyway I wasn't the one who were gonna select it ." Mrs Li said glaring.

" May I ask your opinions ? " Yibo said.

" We don't have proof so investigation should be done but Mr Wang you are a suspect." The man said.

" But we need to give two projects to other party so first we have to solve this problem." Mrs Li said.

" We have three days only . Give me these three days and you will have a new project ." Yibo said making everyone dumbfounded.

" You know what are you saying , Mr Wang ? " Mrs Li said.

" I know . "

"You need new project and as you say I'm still a suspect so through this I can show you how much me and my team has put their efforts and how talented my team is . And after that I will also prove our innocence." Yibo resloutly said.

Mrs Li and The man glanced at each other. They spoke few words in whisper and turned to Wang Yibo.

" Ok , but if you will be the one who has done wrong you will be fired  ? "

" Ok "

Yibo then left with his team. When they went inside their cabin , all slumped on chairs grabbing their head.

" This time they crossed the line " Wei San said angrily.

" Ah ! What the fuck has just happened ! And how ? " Zhang Yuexi kicked a chair.

" Senior Wang about three days ? How can we do ? " One of the team mate said.

" You don't want ? " Yibo asked .

They knew he was angry. Even though Wang Yibo looked weak but he wasn't easy to bully and his anger was really bad.

" No, I just... I mean, we did hardwork day and night to analyse about  company , about his product and other things and then we created this but how can in three days ? "

" Yes , we have all the material . We just have to give our project a new shape , much better and much attractive than before." Yibo said.

Then the teams seemed to understand what Wang Yibo was thinking.

" Yes, senior Wang we'll do ." Others said in unison.

" But today,  go home and rest." Yibo said.

" But..." San was about to argue.

" I said go then just go " Yibo said and come out of cabin.

He saw Feng who was coming towards him.

" I didn't know Yibo you can play such cheap trick ."

Wang Yibo didn't answer just smirked. Mr Feng when saw Yibo smirking with deadly eyes, he felt he really didn't know Yibo.
Wang Yibo left him there and moved to get coffee.

San and Yuexi wanted to stay with Yibo but Yibo forced them to leave.  When everyone left. He only left in office. He messaged Zhan that he won't come home for three days.

On the other side when Zhan saw Yibo's message, he immediately call him and after one ring Yibo answered.

" Why won't you come home ? " Zhan asked worried.

" There is some problem with a project in company so we have to handle it before the given time. So I'll stay in office." Yibo said from other side. He had lots of documents on his desk.

" Oh ! But is it necessary to stay in office ? " Zhan asked.

" Hm "

" Have you eaten something ? " Zhan asked.

" Hm "

" Are you alone ? "

" No " Yibo said with a smile, glancing around.

" Don't stay up whole night. Get sleep for few hours."

" Hm"

" Ok, Bo, take care."

" Hm"

Zhan was about to disconnect the call when he heard something from otherside.

" Have dinner before sleep. Goodnight, Zhan ge."

" I'll. Good night, Bo " Zhan said smiling and cut the call.

Zhan looked at the time. He was late again. He packed his things and left for home.

When he walked inside, he felt that the house is gloomy. Today, there was no Yibo waiting for him. He couldn't believe that he used to live like this. Zhan after freshing up moved towards kitchen. He opened the fridge and saw some dishes which Yibo made in morning and some side dishes. Zhan took them out and reheat them. He ate alone and do the dishes. Then he moved to room to sleep. But today there was no small body sticking to him , giving him warmth.

He closed his eyes and slowly drifted to sleep because of exhaustion.


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