Chapter - 19

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Wang Yibo was smiling while caressing his forehead with fingertips sitting in a taxi. When he reached the company he got off and after paying the fare, he moved towards the company with his stoic face. When he enter in his department, he was grabbed by Yuexi and San who was looking very excited.

" Yibo , I hear that the new project will be given to us." Yuexi whispered while looking around.

Wang Yibo was staring at his friends with intense gaze . Seeing the gaze they knew Yibo wanted to know more.

" I heard someone talking that Mrs Li was asked for best designer and she was praising you." Yuexi whispered.

" It will be awesome. This time I'll show that mosquito what we are." San said  and Yuexi nodded.

" Don't spread rumours. When it happen then we'll see." Yibo said and told them to leave.

Yuexi and San left after talking about a few more things.

In afternoon meeting both Wang Yibo and Feng were present. Mrs Li told them they both were given the project and whoever's the client like , will be selected.

It was now an open competition to show their talent. After meeting Wang Yibo left and told this about to his team. After hearing this the team became more enthusiastic.

" Mr Wang don't worry we'll do our best."

" Yes , Mr Wang." Others agreed.

" We'll do what we usually do. Giving our best ." Wang Yibo said.

Others nodded.

" Mrs Li will send the project details soon " Wang Yibo said and left from there.

Outside his team's cabin, he met Feng.

" Don't be arrogant Yibo. This time you'll loose." Feng said and left.

Wang Yibo didn't spoke and turned to Mrs Li's office.

" Mrs Li , may I ask why this competition ?"

" You know Mr Wang , I received complaint  that your team is favourable so you get good projects . Also there are many rumours. "

" It's not good for company environment. Also for it's image if the outsiders get to know about it."

" So I decided to give both of the project so reduce the rumours."

" But it'll negatively affect the loosing team."

" You are right but I can't let the more rumours spread about company's preferential treatment so I give opportunity to both the teams."

" Then I think I should take my leave now." Yibo said and turned to leave.

" Mr Wang , all the best. It's really a great project." Mrs Li said.

Yibo nodded and left. Yibo knew whatever be the result it will cause a fire between the colleagues. He sighed.

He then turned back to his cabin where his team was working. After two hours both the team got the project details and gave the time of two weeks.

Wang Yibo gave his team mates details. He gave everyone their tasks to complete . He warned them not to be sloppy because of time limit. They have to give their best.

In hospital

Zhan was bombarded with questions by his friends during lunch time.

" Didn't you see yourself why are you asking ? " Zhan said.

" We see but want confirmation."  Yang said.

" Ok , but after this no more question about our personal time ." Zhan said staring at his friends.

Both nodded reluctantly.

" May be I has started to like him " Zhan said.

" That's good. You have to move forward." Yang said.

" Yes and now Yibo is married to you. It will be cruel to treat him as responsibility. Well, he is very caring even though his face is most of times remain stoic." Xia said last sentence while chuckling.

" Appearance can be deceptive. Haven't you heard ? " Yang said.

Xia rolled her eyes on him.

" So I think you won't disturb me again about this ?" Zhan asked.

" Well not so soon. We'll wait ." Xia said.

" Hey what about that kid Yichen ? " Yang asked.

" We found a living donor. After doing tests for a month we could be able to do the surgery." Zhan said.

" Well that's good. So next month ? "

" Probably "

Then they talked about different topics and after lunch they went to their respective works.

Zhan ,today, went home late. when he walked inside he saw Yibo still working on his laptop and there were three mugs of coffee placed on table.

" Yibo ,why are you still up ? " Zhan asked frowning. 

Yibo got startled but then relaxed knowing who is the owner of the voice .

" Zhan ge ." Yibo said looking up.

" What Zhan ge ? Have you seen the time ? " Zhan scolded.

Yibo saw the time and it was really late.

" I didn't keep the track of time " Yibo said.

" Zhan ge , have you have dinner ? " Yibo asked.

" I have "

" Now turn off this . You have to go tomorrow too." Zhan said and Yibo nodded.

He switched off his laptop and picked up the cup and went to kitchen. Zhan who saw Yibo going to kitchen sighed and turned to their room. When he come out after taking a shower, he saw Yibo preparing to sleep.

Zhan dry his hair and moved inside the duvet, pulling Yibo in his arms.

" Why are you working at this time ? " Zhan asked.

" We are given new project and now there is competition in company."

" Competition ? "

" Mn , whoever project client select will win " Yibo said in sleepy voice and yawned lightly.

Zhan when hear Yibo's sleepy voice realised he was tired ,he caressed his hairs.

" Sleep now. Tell me in morning."

Yibo nodded and immediately fall asleep. Zhan heard even breathing ,he also closed his eyes.

In morning Yibo told Zhan about his work. Yibo didn't tell that there was problem regarding other team and both teams were on each other's throat. Zhan thought it as simple thing as companies often do it to keep employees active. He told Yibo not to skip meals and care about his health . Yibo nodded and then they left for their work.


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