Chapter - 14

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Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan was leaving after spending time with Yichen. Zhan was stealing glances of Yibo. They were walking when they heard the commotion . Both Zhan and Yibo moved towards the noise. They saw that a middle aged man was holding a little girl and a sharp medical instrument in his hand. He seemed to be a patient who wasn't in his right mind.

The doctors and nurses trying to calm him but he wasn't listening to anyone. He was pointing the sharp scalpel on neck of Little girl who was crying. Someone try to approach the man with a syringe but the man pointed his scalpel towards the doctors. Everyone was scared for the little girl.

Yibo and Zhan were also watching. Yibo sighed and Zhan heard it even he was also panicking. Zhan turned to Yibo who moved behind the man. Zhan's eyes were on his husband as he couldn't understand what he was about to do. But when he saw Yibo approaching the man quietly and calmly, his breath hitched as he felt scared for him. He moved towards Yibo from behind as he didn't wanted to alert the man. Others were also surprised to see a fragile man approaching the delusional man. Yibo noticed Zhan and gestured him to keep quiet and not to move by shaking his head. Zhan didn't know what to do but he decided to trust Yibo.

As the man lift his hand a little from little girls neck , Yibo swiftly grab the hand of man and pushed the girl to other people surrounding them. Yibo made the man lie on ground with his chest touching the floor. The man was struggling but Yibo was holding him with his hands and legs. Everyone was surprised to see the fragile boy handling a man and that is a mentally unstable one.

Others came to help Yibo. They hold the patient and Yibo realised his grip and stood up. He turned to Zhan who was staring him with wide open eyes.

Zhan couldn't believe that his husband who looked like he would break if he someone would touch him a little strongly , could do something like this.

" Zhan ge " Yibo said .

Zhan came back from his shocking state and hummed. Today he come to know few things about his husband and was shocked.

Zhan hold Yibo's hand and turned to leave . They heard others loud shout again. Yibo turned around and saw the earlier man was trying to attack them. The direction of attack was towards Zhan . Yibo immediately moved his free hand and made the scalpel fall from the other man's hand. Others came and immediately grabbed the man and inject him.

Everything happened so suddenly that Zhan couldn't react. When he react he saw blood dripping from Yibo's hand as the scalpel slashed the back of his hand and the man who had lost his conscious.

Zhan took Yibo's injured hand and took him to nearby seat.

" Someone , gave me first aid kit." Zhan said loudly.

" Here, Dr. xiao " A nurse quickly gave first aid kit.

Zhan started to clean Yibo's hand meticulously.

" What were you thinking ? " Zhan scolded Yibo.

Yibo didn't spoke neither he wince . He was just staring at Zhan who was worriedly treating his wound.

" Thank you son for saving my grand daughter's life." An elderly woman came near to XiaoWang couple.

Yibo nodded his head but didn't spoke anything.

" You are very brave, son." The old woman said smiling.

Yibo felt embarassed. He didn't like people staring at him. Zhan was done with his treatment. He gave the kit back to nurse and thanked him. Then he saw everyone was staring at them or especially on Yibo who was looking down.

" I bless you to have a happy and prosperous life." The elderly woman said and patted Yibo's head. Zhan smiled seeing this. He was worried earlier but now he was feeling proud.

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