Chapter - 9

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" Are you okay ? "

" I am fine ,San. " Yibo said . They were sitting in cab.

" What did Zhan say ? "

" Nothing. He was worried." Yibo said softly.

" He should be . He is your husband."

Yibo leaned on the back seat and closed his eyes .

" Don't trouble him , San . " Yuexi said.

" Yibo , we can send you home if you are not feeling well ." Yuexi said worriedly.

" No , let's go to company." Yibo replied.

Yuexi sighed and said ok to Yibo.

" Yibo , should I buy something for you to eat, in way ? "San asked.

" I'm not hungry. "

San and Yuexi sighed. They really couldn't do anything with Yibo. They knew if they force him it will only annoy him more. Even if he won't say anything but he would become more quiet.

" Thanks." Yibo said.

Both Yuexi and San smiled. Even though Yibo didn't talk much but they knew Yibo values them and their concern for him.

When they reached everyone asked about Yibo . San told them that Yibo is fine. Mrs Li told Yibo to go home but he replied with same words which he told to San.


Other side Zhan was thinking about Yibo's condition.

" I should have dragged him here and made him rest." Zhan mumbled. He was sitting in his office and Yibo's Misty eyes were floating in his mind. He straighten up in chair with a jerk, thinking something.

" Let's go home early today. " Zhan said and checked his schedule. He sighed in relief that he had no late night surgery. He was praying that no emergency situation came suddenly.

" He really make me think about him a lot." Zhan whispered.

" Am I too much worried ? "

Zhan shook his head . He was thinking too much.

In evening

Zhan came early and as expected Yibo had just come. He had just came out of the Xiao Zhan's room after taking a shower.

Yibo was surprised to see Zhan . He glanced at clock to see the time . It was 8 : 30 , still early for Zhan.

" Zhan ge , you are early." Yibo said.

" Yeah , I didn't have surgery." Zhan said coming closer to Yibo.

Zhan slide the Yibo's shirt a little from his neck and said ," You don't have rashes on your skin now."

Yibo got stiff by Zhan's action but didn't push Zhan or stop him . He was staring at Zhan's face who was focusing on checking him.

When Zhan found Yibo was fine he moved back and saw Yibo staring at him. Then he realised what he did. He glanced at Yibo's neck again. He now noticed how milky and white is his skin and the bulging Adam apple looks so sexy.


As the thought came in his mind Zhan shook his head.

" Yibo, I was just..." Zhan was about to explain but Yibo cut him.

" I know." Yibo said and moved towards kitchen but stopped by Zhan who hold his hand.

" Don't do anything. I will cook dinner today." Zhan said. He knew what Yibo was going to do.

" Give me 10 minutes." Zhan said and rushed to his room.

Yibo stood there dumbfounded. He then turned and went to kitchen.

After exactly 10 minutes Zhan came and saw Yibo sitting on dining table. Zhan smiled seeing Yibo sitting like a obedient child.

Zhan moved to other side , behind the kitchen counter. He opened the refrigerator and take out the things.

" Yibo , you are not allergic to common fish ?"

"No , I am allergic to shellfish."

" Zhan ge , may I ..."

" Sit there. I will do it myself. "

" Don't worry ! I am a good cook. You sure won't throw up."

Zhan gave a gentle smile to Yibo.

Yibo just sit there and watch Zhan moving in kitchen.

After sometime dinner was ready. Zhan arranged it on table and then sat opposite to Yibo. Zhan served the food.

" I am not that sick." Yibo mumbled.

" What did you say ?" Zhan asked as he didn't catch Yibo's words.

Yibo shook his head.

" Ok , eat ." Zhan said.

Yibo took a bite and really the food was delicious.

Zhan was looking forward for any reaction but Yibo was still expressionless. He sighed internally.

" How is it ? " Zhan asked.

" Delicious." Yibo said making Zhan smile.

" Then eat more."

Yibo nodded. Then they had dinner peacefully, talking a little.

Yibo went back to his place for sleep . Zhan went to his room . He laid on bed . After sometime He turned sideways and remembered that yesterday Yibo was sleeping with him. The scene of morning came in front of his eyes . His heart beat increase . Zhan sat up. He glanced sideways and saw that the water jug was empty. He sighed and got up.

After filling jug with water from kitchen, he came back. He glanced at Yibo who had already slept. Zhan moved towards Yibo and crouched infront of him.

Yibo was sleeping while snuggling in blanket. His forehead was covered with his hairs which was long enough to reach his eyebrows.

Zhan's hand was itchy to remove those hairs and he did. He gently pushed the hair sideways. He caressed Yibo's cheeks gently with his thumb. Yibo ,in sleep, when felt the warmth , hummed in satisfaction.

Zhan thought Yibo had awaken so he immediately remove his hand. But Yibo didn't wake up. Zhan sighed.

Zhan stared at Yibo's calm and relaxed face.

" How will you look with a smile ? " Zhan whispered smiling.

Zhan didn't know what come in his mind , he stretched Yibo's lips a little to form a smile but then he frowned.

" Not real . Not good." Zhan mumbled.

Yibo turned otherside and Zhan realised what he did. He got up. Then he saw Yibo's back wasn't covering well .He covered Yibo carefully and then went back to his room.

" Zhan , you have gone crazy. " Zhan said and put the water on nightstand and run to his room.


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