Chapter - 38

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Next morning Yibo woke up with a headache. He was amazed by himself how could that mild alcohol made him feel like he had drink whole night.

He got up and after freshing up , he came out. He went to kitchen and as expected his husband was making breakfast.

" Bo, how are you feeling ? " Zhan asked kissing Yibo's forehead.

" Just a little headache." Yibo said.

" Sit , I've made hangover soup. " Zhan said and turned back to bring soup for Yibo.

Yibo sat while rubbing his temples. Soon Zhan brought him soup.

" You are really something. That much alcohol make your head spin." Zhan said.

" Mn "

" Bo , when did you get drunk last time ? " Zhan asked.

" Perhaps three or four years ago." Yibo answered.

" Did I do something weird ? " Yibo asked.

" Don't you remember ? " Zhan said raising his eyebrows.

" Some blurry images." Yibo said. He remembered Zhan giving piggy back ride and a scene in kitchen , nothing more.

" I'm sorry if I cause trouble. I know I act weirdly ." Yibo said.

" You were so cute. I should make you drunk again." Zhan said mischievously.

Yibo's ear turned red. Zhan chuckled to see his husband's cherry ears.

" What did I do ? " Yibo asked.

" You asked for piggyback ride, icecream and you were so honest." Zhan said smiling.

" Honest ? " Yibo asked confused.

" Hm, finish this first then I'll tell you ." Zhan said.

Yibo quietly finish the soup then Zhan gave him headache medicine and arranged breakfast on table.

As they were eating Zhan suddenly said," You told me last night that you like blue most but why did you lie when I asked you before ?"

" I did ? " Yibo asked surprised.

Zhan nodded.

" When I was child I used to but then I stopped thinking about all those like or dislike stuff." Yibo said in low voice.

Yibo has always answered Zhan's every question with his heart. Yeah he wasn't good in expressing himself but he didn't like when Zhan became sad when he didn't answer him, so Yibo always told Zhan whatever he ask.

" Then start thinking again. I'm here." Zhan said with a warm smile.

Yibo's lips curved up a little.

" Mn " Yibo said.

Then they had their breakfast while talking. After breakfast they left . Yibo decided to visit Yichen first before going to work as he didn't get time to see him.

" Zhan ge , why are coming with me ? " Yibo asked when he turned to Yichen's ward. Yibo thought Zhan would go to his work but he was walking beside him.

" I wanna come with you. It's not that you'll stay for long with him." Zhan said.

Yibo gave Zhan a confusing look but then didn't mind him anymore.

When they entered in ward, Yichen greeted them energetically.

" Yibo gege ! " Yichen said.

" Hi ,Yichen " Yibo said.

" Hello gege ! "

Yibo went near him. Yichen hugged him and gave a peck on cheeks and that's it, Zhan came and pulled Yibo away from Yichen.

" Chen Chen say hello to your gege without kissing him. He is only mine to kiss." Zhan said possessively putting his hand on Yibo's shoulder.

" Uncle Xiao, you are jealous." Yichen said giggling.

" Why would I ? He is my husband." Zhan said.

" Then leave gege "

" No way ! "

Yichen laughed to see jealous Zhan. Yibo also smiled at his husband's possessiveness.

" Zhan ge , Yichen stop ! " Wang Yibo said.

Both the older and younger become quite..

" Yichen, how are you now ? "

" I'm fine, gege."

" Here, it's for you." Yibo said giving a tiffin box to Yichen.

" You made it ? " Yichen asked joyfully.

" No, your uncle Xiao made it."

" Thanks uncle Xiao."

" No need to thanks Chen Chen." Zhan said smiling.

" I have to go now. Take care." Yibo said.

" So soon " Yichen said looking sad.

" I've work. I'll come to visit you again." Yibo said patting Yichen head.

Yichen nodded and smiled.

Yibo then came out with Zhan. As soon as they came , Zhan grabbed Yibo's hand and pull him.

" Zhan ge ! " Yibo got stunned.

Without saying Zhan kissed Yibo's forehead, eyes , cheeks , chin.

" You are only mine" Zhan said pampering Yibo with kisses.

Yibo blushed .

After pampering with kisses his heart content, Zhan stopped.

" That brat really try to hit on you." Zhan said pouting.

Yibo chuckled. He didn't understand from where he saw that little kid hitting on him.

Yibo pecked Zhan's cheeks and said," I'm getting late."

Then Yibo quickly turned to leave.

Zhan laughed lightly and speak," Go safely"

Yibo nodded and left.

Zhan didn't notice that there were people who were watching them. He saw them and smiled. Instead of being embarrassed he was proud of his action.

Zhan went to his work with a satisfied heart. He didn't want anything more.


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