Chapter - 27

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Zhan came back late and saw Yibo sleeping in living room on sofa.

" He was waiting again ." Zhan mumbled.

He bent and scooped Yibo in his arms. Yibo stirred .

" Zhan ge " Yibo said in sleepy voice.

" Shh.. it's me. Go back to sleep."

Yibo hummed and drifted back to sleep. Zhan smiled.

He carefully put Yibo on bed and tucked him. Zhan took a shower , he joined Yibo as he has already had dinner.

" My Bo " Zhan said and closed his eyes.


In morning Yibo was making breakfast when Zhan came from behind and hugged him. Yibo got startled but knowing who could be  , he tried to relax and calm his racing heart.

" Bo, I wanna eat your honey garlic shrimp." Zhan demand like a kid.

" Ok ! But first leave me ." Yibo said.

" No, do it while I'm like this ."

" How would I do ? "

" I won't disturb, you can move however you want. I wanna see how you make it. " Zhan said.

" Al....alright "

Zhan squealed internally. Then he saw Yibo's red neck and ear, he smirked. He knew he affect Yibo.

Yibo took out the already cleaned shrimps and other ingredients. He started to make it. Zhan was watching Yibo intently and Yibo could sense those intense gaze on him and warm breath on his neck.

He knew he was being teased but did he hate it ? No. He liked his husband's warmth and his body was more honest than his mouth.

Zhan didn't do anything. He just hold Yibo near him.

" Zhan ge , it's done . "

" Oh yes, I can see. It's looking delicious." Zhan said still hugging Yibo.

" Then free me " Yibo said.

" Here you are " Zhan said breaking the hug.

" Now you go and change clothes. I'll handle this." Zhan said.

Yibo turned to leave but then suddenly Zhan stopped him. Yibo turned around to see what's the matter but was taken aback by Zhan's action.

Zhan gave a peck on Yibo's cheek and said," thank you."

Zhan chuckeld seeing Yibo dumbstruck and turning into blushing mess. Yibo turned around and left hurriedly without saying anything.

Zhan laughed lightly.

After having breakfast, Zhan and Yibo left.


Somewhere in a bar

" He is married now." A woman said.

" To whom ? " Other woman said like it's not a big deal.

" A man "

The other woman laughed. She had pretty features but his eyes held mocking.

" So he changes his taste."

" You seems to be confident."

" Of course I'm. He was head over heel in me. He can't forget me."

" What are you thinking ? "

" About getting what's mine."

" You left him "

" So what ? It's common ."

The other woman shook her head.

Then a handsome man came and winked at the other woman. He smirked seductively and started to make out.


Zhan gave Yichen what made Yibo for him. He was over the moon.

Zhan smiled to see the kid happy. He was glad that soon Yichen wouldn't be restricted to eat and play. He could be able to live like any othe kid.


In Yibo's company, Mrs Li told that the company A really liked their work and they showed their intent to work with them in future.

This would really open doors for new opportunities for company. Mrs Li was escastic.

For this outstanding performance, Mrs Li gave bonus to Wang Yibo and his team.

The team members were over the moon. Even Feng's team congratulated them.

San told Yuexi and Yibo that he had got a girlfriend. Yuexi patted him as she knew how much effort San was putting to get the girl's heart. Yibo also congratulated him.

San teased Yuexi to get a boyfriend as she was the only left single among the three.
Yuexi hit San mercilessly. Their team members were  enjoying the show of cat and mouse.

At night Yibo told Zhan about the company atmosphere. Zhan was glad that everything was fine. Zhan also told about Yichen to Yibo. He was happy for Yichen. Then after sharing their day they drifted to sleep.


Zhan was in hospital, it's around 11 AM when he heard the voice, he didn't expect to hear neither he wanted.

He turned to see if he had mistaken but no he wasn't.

" What are you doing here ? " Zhan said through his gritted teeths.

Others were also stunned to see their ever smiling and kind doctor in rage.

Others were watching everything with surprised eyes.


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