Chapter 56

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As I was on my way to Chan's place, I started to sober up and ended up realizing what was going on. I was on my way to their freaking dorm! But when I snapped out, it was already too late: figurative and realistically speaking.

"Around here is fine", I told the driver, paid the raid and go off. I almost pressed the intercom button, but it was not the best idea given the circumstances. "I'm at the building door", I wrote to Chan; and in a matter of seconds, the door opened.

I went up, Chan was waiting for me outside, leaning against the door frame.

"Hi", I said shyly, knowing it was an uncommon situation: me being there.

"Isn't it a bit late?" Chan asked with a mocking smile.

"A bit, yeah". He chuckled and pushed the door with his shoulder making me way.

"Everyone is sleeping". I nodded and got in quietly. I took off my shoes and followed Chan.

"Is it ok if I leave my shoes at the door?" I whispered while we passed by the living room.

"It's fine". We got in his bedroom. I couldn't believe I was watching those pink lights in person, and on his night table was my lamp.

"I thought you might have put it away somewhere". He followed my eyes and smiled.

"Why would I?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I think it looks cute just right there". I couldn't help but smile at him. "Do you want to take a shower?"

"Can I? I didn't bring anything".

"Uh..." He started thinking while opening and staring at his closet. Plot twist, it wasn't all black anymore. "I know I put it here", he mumbled checking his drawers to finally take a pair of shorts and a t-shirt out.

"Thanks". I said receiving them.

"Ah! A towel, a towel". He said to himself opening his closet again to take one.

"Chan-ah, I know it's too late to ask this but, can I be here? I mean... am I allowed to?" He flicked his tongue playfully.

"Don't think about that", and after giving me a peck, he urged me to the bathroom leading the way and opening the door for me. I was 99% sure it was a "You don't, but I can deal with it later".

It felt surreal to be at his apartment. But what didn't at that point? 'Cause yeah, even after a year, many things were still new to me.

I tied my hair and showered quickly. When opening the bathroom door, I double-checked no one was around and almost sprinted into Chan's room. That sounds kinda funny. He was lying on the bed playing on his phone. Excuse me Lord, but he looked fucking good.

"You done?" He asked quickly looking at me.

"Yup". I left my thing on the chair and sat next to him watching the game. "Don't die", I scolded him seeing his HP bar was almost empty.

"I know what I'm doing", he said back.

"You're going to die. The combo, the com-". He died. Chan put on a sulking face after a heavy sigh. "I told you". He gave me a dead stare.

"Leave me alone", he complained pulling the cover on us and, contradictorily, hugging and pulling me closer.

"You know, I've been thinking..." He looked at me. "We haven't been on a date in a while, what about we do something next time you have time?"

"Yeah, I thought you forgot about me". He started sulking again.

"How can you say that? I still text you and call you a lot, you're the one that always reply late".

"Ah, right". He said with an apologetic smile. "What about a little trip together?"

"That would be nice, but aren't you going to be busy with the fan meetings the following weeks?"

"I can do something".

"You sure?"

"Why do you always ask that? Leave it to me". He complained once again before adjusting himself in bed. He took the pillow and I used his arm as one.

"Don't you dare", I warned him when I felt his hand on my waist under my shirt, well, his shirt.


"I don't know".

"I wasn't going to do anything". He smiled biting his lower lip.

"I don't believe you". He chuckled. "Let's sleep, shall we?" I adjusted myself this time.

"Hm", he squeezed me and rubbed his head against my hair leaving it all messy.

"Stop it!" I lightly slapped his shoulder. He stayed still and smiled childishly at me. "I had an online meeting with my friends in L.A. the other day, all of them want to know about my boyfriend".

"Is that it?"

"My friends here have told me to invite you whenever you feel like joining us too. I feel guilty and a bit sad at times, about not being able to tell anyone about us".

"It's not like you can't". I looked at him attentively. "It's just... you know", he pressed his lips together. "They just said to be careful".

"It's the same thing", I sighed and pulled him closer.

"It's the same for me though".

"Is it?"

"Of course. It's just that because it concerns the team, more people know about it".

"Hm... I have mixed feelings about it if I'm honest".

"Don't think about it too much, do as you please and we see what to do next".

"Ok. I told the guys I'll be busy these days, so let's see each other more often, ok?"

"Count on me". Chan turned off the lights and we went to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up at 6 a.m. to leave before anyone was up. Chan told me no one had an early schedule so the probability of any of them waking up before 7 a.m. was near cero.

I thought I was going out on my own, but Chan surprised me by saying that he was going with me. So we had breakfast together at a coffee shop near my office and then he walked me to work. I had the gut he had something to say, but he didn't say anything.

It seemed like he had a lot in mind, but maybe it was just his sleepy self so I didn't ask. He wouldn't tell me anything even if I did anyway, Chan was pretty dense when it came to talking things out. And that worried me sometimes, if there was something going on, I would initiate the conversation but he usually just listened and agreed with my suggestions or would say to leave it to him. He didn't share his opinions or feelings too often. At some point, more than worrying me, it scared me.

However, things were going fine. Two weeks later, the group was attending an event of SBL in China, and they had a fan meeting and everything. So I tagged along for two days to spend some time with Chan.

The first day was for myself. I went to the famous shopping areas and visited renowned tourist spots. I took a ton of photos. I even met a super nice girl who helped me with them and we had lunch together. It was super fun.

The second day, I visited a museum, got lunch with Chan and we spent the afternoon together. For the first time in a while, I was feeling self-conscious though. He took me to a stinky-elegant restaurant, I felt so out of place! But the food was so good that I forgot about that for a while, and we laughed a lot. It gave me joy to see Chan like that.

Also, Chan took our previous conversation seriously, and a month later, we booked a whole weekend together in Japan. It was going to be our otaku time. Could I ask for more? Finally, there was time for us again.

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