The billionaire

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Every morning I wake up and it's the same predictable routine. I go for a run with Julius, my Husky, then I grab a coffee and come home to shower and head to the office for meetings and whatever.

"Julius!" I say, hollering for my dog.

My Husky comes running into the bedroom, carrying his leash in his mouth. He knows our routine too. My dog is my only friend in the world. Billionaires don't have any true friends.

"Hey there boy. Ready for our run?"

He wags his tail and barks. I slip into my running shoes and we head down the elevator.

We get off the elevator and I groan when I see Molly in the lobby, the annoying fucking girl whose mother won't stop trying to set us up on a date.

"Good morning, Alexander! Time for Julius's walk?" Molly, my annoying and desperate neighbor, says.

"I'm in a hurry, Molly. I don't have time to talk."

"I know. You're a busy billionaire and all. Well, Alexander, enjoy your day!" Molly says as I walk past.

I walk away from her and to the busy New York streets. Julius and I head toward the park. On our way there, I stop inside the Starbucks for a coffee.

"Mr. Holt, What can get I for ya this morning?" the barista says.

"I'll have a Caffe Breve."

"Always the same thing for you, Mr. Holt."

I swipe my card and I step aside to wait for my order, and my eyes are caught for the smallest second by a pretty blonde woman who walks in. She is a bit younger than me, so I don't let my eyes stay on her too long.

"Mr. Holt? Here's your coffee," the barista says.

"Thank you."

As I move to leave, I try to spot the pretty blonde once again, but I'm bumped right into and I spill my coffee down the front of her instead!

"Hey!" she says.

I try my best to flirt, but I've never been good at it, and it comes out way wrong.

"Maybe watch where you're walking."

"Uh! You bumped into me!"

I think I officially pissed her off, which I didn't mean to do. So, I walk away and ask for a new coffee.

"Hey, Can I get a new coffee over here?"

The barista waves at me and I stand there watching that pretty blonde. The barista hands me a new coffee and I walk past the pretty blonde with a flirty smile.


Yeah... she hates me.

Julius and I head to the office to pick up my mail.

The doorman greets me in his usual way. "Good morning, Mr. Holt. Good morning, Julius."

"Can I leave Julius here with you for a minute while I run upstairs and get my mail?"

"Of course, sir."

I walk past him to take the elevator to the 10th floor.

"Good morning, Mr. Holt. You're in early," the secretary says.

"I'm just here for my mail."

" I have it right here." She hands me my mail. "Don't forget about the art exhibit this evening."

"Right. Thank you. I'll be there."

I leave the office and Julius and I walk to the park. I'm shocked when I run into the same girl from earlier this morning.

Mr. HoltWhere stories live. Discover now