Attempted Murder

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Jocelyn walks in the next morning to see me lying with Alexander on his bed, and she says, "No progress?"

"Nothing," I say with a sigh. 

"Why don't you come with me and we'll get breakfast? I brought you some clean clothes from your house and a toothbrush."

 I shake my head. "I'm not leaving him."

"You're not leaving him, Savannah. You're taking care of yourself. He would want you to take care of your needs. I know him and so do you."

I look over at him, sleeping, and watch his chest rise and fall, realizing Jocelyn is right. Alexander would want me to eat and take care of myself. So I kiss his cheek and link his fingers in my hand as I whisper, "I won't be gone long. I promise. I love you."

Then I walk out of the room with Jocelyn and we go to the main lobby to get breakfast. 

"How are you feeling today?" she says.

I sigh. "I've definitely had better days."

"Yeah. But don't give up," she says as we pay for our food and walk to a table. We eat our food and I change my clothes and brush my teeth in the bathroom, then we go back to Alexander's room. 

"Savannah Duley?"

"Yes?" I say, noticing the same patrol officer standing there.

"I have a warrant for your arrest," he says.

I glance at Alexander in his bed, then at Jocelyn, and I say, "No. There must be a mistake."

He says, "Savannah Duley, I'm arresting you for attempted murder. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law..."

I zone out and he handcuffs me. My mind goes blank. I'm so scared; I'm unsure what to say or think. 

Jocelyn says, "I'll call Alexander's attorney! Don't worry! We will get this fixed! Don't worry!"

The officer leads me out of the hospital and to the police car, pushing on my head as he forces me into the car. As I ride in the back, I glance down at the diamond on my finger and wonder about the last few months of my life, wondering how many things I would change if I could. As much as I love Alexander, being with him has made my life far more complicated than I ever imagined it to be. I lean my head against the window as it starts to rain and let my feelings cloud my eyes and mind as tears roll down my cheeks. I'm so afraid of what's going to happen to me, especially without Alexander awake to help rectify the situation. Am I going to jail? How long will I be there? 

When I see the police station, reality sets in and my heart starts beating wildly in my chest. When the officer comes over to my side of the car and yanks me out of it, pulling me into the station before tossing me into a cell. I look around me and start to cry, as I cower into the corner of the cell on the floor, wishing I could reverse time.


The last thing I remember is getting into my Bugatti and leaving the office, but I sit up and my head is pounding and I look around myself and see that I'm in a hospital and notice Jocelyn in the corner.

"Xander!" she exclaims, moving closer.

"What am I doing here? Where's Savannah?"

"Xander, you were in an awful accident."

"I can tell. I feel like shit," I say, holding my head. "Where's Savannah?" I ask again.

"Xander, you need to know something. I don't want to distress you, but you have to know this."

"Alright, is she okay? She wasn't with me, was she? I don't remember her being in the car with me."

"No. Nothing like that, but it is serious and you're going to be pissed and maybe want to storm city hall."

"What's going on?"

"She's been arrested."

"Why the fuck for?! Who do I need to call?!"

"They said your Bugatti was sabotaged..."

I rub my hands over my face and say, "How bad is my car?"


"Fuck," I say feeling frustrated because I love that car. But it's just a car. "Go on."

"They said someone cut your brake lines and tried to kill you. They blame Savannah and said it's because you left all your assets to her."

"Fuck no. She had no idea. I didn't even tell her about that," I say, and move to stand.

"Xander," Jocelyn says, placing her hand on my shoulder. "She needs bail."

"How much?"

"500 grand."

"Why so much?" I say.

"She's charged with attempted murder. She could get a lot of time."

I stand and rip the IVs out of my arm, saying, "No. I'll never let that happen."

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