A Date with a Billionaire

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"Emberley!" I yell.

She rushes into my bedroom.

"Girl, what's wrong?" she asks.

"I can't decide what to wear tonight."

"Um... where's he taking you?" she says.

"No idea," I say.

"Oh. That makes this hard. The guy's a billionaire. If he's taking you somewhere nice, it could be really nice and you need to be looking so good," she says.

"Girl, I know!"

"Hm... can you ask him?" she says.


"You'll just have to dress the part of a billionaire's girlfriend, I guess," she says.

"How do I do that?"

"Beats me. My boyfriend makes minimum wage sweeping floors at the museum," she says with a laugh and an eye roll.

I laugh and say, "Um, Let me try on a few and you tell me."

"Okay. Sounds good."

I go into my closet and try on my nicest dress. "Well?"

"No. Too fancy."

I change into the dress I wore to the art gallery. "What about this one?"

"Didn't he just see you in that one?"


"Girl, this guy might be a total jerk, but he's a billionaire. You need to make a lasting impression. Imagine getting married to him. You'd never work again for the rest of your life."

I change into the sexy satin white low V-back dress I wore to my cousin's wedding and step out to see Emberley one last time.


"That's it. That's the one. If I liked girls, I'd date you myself. You look hot."

There's a knock at the door.

"You finish getting ready. I'll get that," Emberley says.

Emberley answers the door, and I wonder if it's Alexander because I never gave him my address. I'm still curious how he'll find where I live.

"I'm here for Savannah."

"She's getting ready. C'mon in. I'm Emberley by the way."


I step out of the bedroom. Alexander's eyes are immediately on me. "I'm ready."

"Wow. you look...wow," he says, his eyes wide.


Alexander extends his arm for mine. "Shall we?"

"Yeah." I link my arm around his, and we walk to the door.


We get in his very expensive car and I'm nervous because I feel like I'm going to scuff it or break something.

"So, are you gonna tell me?" I say.

"Tell you what?"

"How you found me."

He gives me a flirty smile. "No."

"That's very sketch, you know."

"I know," he says.

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