Just go

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As I'm waiting for Alexander to arrive after rehearsal is over, I receive another text.

As I'm waiting for Alexander to arrive after rehearsal is over, I receive another text

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I'm so startled by the text that I drop my phone onto the floor. Alexander walks into the room as I'm standing there frozen like a statue.

"Savannah? What is it?"

I say nothing and Alexander looks at my phone on the floor, picking it up. He reads the text.

"I'm going to deal with this," he says.

"Just go," I say without looking at him.

"No," he says. "Savannah, I'm going to take care of this."

"Alexander, tell me now what you have to do with all of this," I say, tears flowing from my eyes.

"Nothing! I swear to you! I don't know what he is doing or why he's doing this, but I have no involvement in it, I promise you," he yells.

My sobs come harder now and Alexander wraps his arms around me, holding me against his body for a moment before I say, "Nonetheless, nothing like this ever happened to me before I met you."

He pulls away and looks into my eyes. "No."

"Just go," I say.

"I refuse," he says.

"Alexander, I'm not giving you a choice. I just want this to stop," I say. "I just want a normal life again. I want to go back to school, live in my crappy apartment, and not be able to afford my rent. I want no one in the world to know who I am. I don't want to open up..." I grab my phone and open up Instagram, showing him the photos taken of me with him earlier that day, and the dozens of comments from haters saying things about how I'm not pretty enough for Alexander, or how he could do so much better than me, etc. "I don't want to open up social media and feel like shit, Lex. I just want to be faceless in a crowded room again where I don't feel like everyone and everything I do is being watched or recorded." I sniffle and wipe my eyes. "I don't want to feel like my life is at risk!"


"It doesn't matter!" I yell, making large gestures with my hands. 

"It does, Savannah. Because I love you."

"But the world doesn't care about that! We don't get to have what we want, okay?!"

Alexander starts rubbing his fingers on his eyes, pacing in a circle, but he says nothing for several minutes. After five minutes or so, there's a knock at the door.

"Savannah? Are you okay?" Simon asks.

"Yes. I just need a few!"

"That's okay! Take your time!" Simon says before walking away.

"Do you really believe this creep is going to stop if I leave?" Alexander finally says.

I shrug. "I don't know."

"Savannah, this is his way to get you alone. He wants you vulnerable. He knows I can protect you. He knows you're safe with me. This is his way to make you do what he wants."

I walk over to Alexander and wrap my arms around him, resting my head on his chest and I say, "Can't you just fire this asshole?"

Alexander chuckles. "Well, I could, but I don't think it would work out well for you, so it's probably not the best thing to do at the moment."

"Maybe we should call the police."

"And tell them what?" Alexander asks.

"Well, he's been taking photos of me, so..."

"You are right. He's crossed a line."

I glance up at his face and say, "So we're gonna tell the police?"

"I have one better. I know a guy."

I laugh. "Why are you always sounding so shady?"

"It's not. i just have connections. When you're in a position like me, you need to."

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