He's totally digging you

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"Alexander, look, I made my decision," I say sternly, looking away from him.

"Fine. But at least have dinner with me tonight. I have something for you," he says, grasping my fingers with his.

"Dinner?" I ask, looking down at his fingers, then up at his eyes.

"Yeah. You eat, do you not?"

I roll my eyes. "Of course I do."

"I have something for you, and I want to take you somewhere special," he says.

I glance at Jenna who shrugs but also nods. I know she thinks I need to go to dinner and that being with a billionaire is the best thing to happen in my life... like, ever.

"What is it and where will we be going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise."

"Which is a surprise? Dinner or what you have for me?"

"Both," he says.

"Alexander. Why won't you just tell me?" I ask, now a little annoyed.

"It's better this way. Trust me."

"Ugh, fine. I'll go on one condition."

"Okay. What's the condition?"

"Don't ask me about the contract.

"Deal." He zips up his lips as if to say they're sealed. "I promise"

"Good. Because I don't want to have to go to jail and be on the 6 o'clock news for beating up a billionaire," I say playfully nudging his side.

He gives a wide smile, showing that small dimple in his chin I can't resist. So, I reach up and hold his chin before kissing his lips.

"No PDA in the office," he says as he kisses me.

"Ha! You're one to talk, Mr. I fucked my girlfriend in my executive suite this morning!"

He chuckles and pulls me closer, wrapping his arms around my backside. "So, are you my girlfriend?"

"If that's what you want."

He leans down to kiss me. "That's what I want."

"Oh. By the way, what's the meaning of this?" I ask, showing him my phone.

I reach for my phone and show him all the pictures of me on social media.

"Did you do that?" I ask.

"You really think I would do something like this?"

I say nothing.

"Savannah. I promise I would never do that to you. I know what that feels like to have someone recording all of your business, twisting real events into something untrue, spreading lies and nonsense. Why do you think the world thinks I'm a monster? You did, did you not?"

I nod.

"But do you now?"

I shake my head.

"I mean, who else would've been able to take pictures of me while we were out and who would've even known we were out together?" I say.

"He waves his finger for me to follow him to the window."

"See those two women there?"

I look outside to the sidewalk. There are a lot of women and I'm not sure which two he's talking about.

"Who, Lex?"

"The one with the red curly hair and the one with the straight black hair standing right down there."

"Oh, yeah. I see them."

"They follow me everywhere. They get paid to publish information on me. I've sued their boss multiple times, but he doesn't care because people buy the articles."

I cross my arms over my chest, feeling very unsure about a life with him knowing this. Having things printed about me? I've always been a girl who likes to be in the back row, not the front. Well, except for theater. That's where I shine.

"Just come to dinner with me."

"Okay. Because I'm hungry and I'm broke and I know you'll take me somewhere nice."

He smiles widely, again advertising that cute fucking dimple in his chin that I want to bite into. It's taking all I have to resist.

"Be ready a little earlier tonight," he says.

"What time?" I ask.

"By 4," he says.

"How should I dress?"


"Warm? Why?"

"Just do it," he says.

I say nothing and he kisses my cheek before walking out of Jenna's office.

"Girl, you need to give this guy a chance. He is totally digging you."

I sit down in the chair next to her desk and sigh. "I know."

"If you're going out with him at 4, you better get going. It's already 1."

"Yeah, you're right."

I leave Jenna's office, and since I'm so broke even duct tape can't fix me, I'm walking down the street to my apartment because I have no money for a cab. I see a familiar limo pull up beside me. I roll my eyes.

The passenger window rolls down and I say, "Hi, Joe. Did Alexander send you?"

"He did, Ma'am."

I walk over to the window and lean against it, smiling.

"Well, you can tell your boss that I refuse the ride."

I walk away, but the limo follows me. A few minutes down the road, I approach Joe again and he rolls down the window.


"First of all, I'm not a ma'am. I'm too young to be a that. Stop calling me that."

"What should I call you?"


"Mr. Holt would not like that.

"Everybody calls me Savannah."

"Would it please you to be called Miss Duley?"

"Wait... you know my last name?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"ugh...Your boss is infuriating."

"Miss Duley?

"Nothing. Never mind. You're not gonna go away are you?"

"Boss asked me to be sure you get home safely."

I roll my eyes. "Fine your boss wins."

I get in the limo and he drives away.

Mr. HoltWhere stories live. Discover now