I'm not a wife yet

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"I shouldn't be too late," Alexander says, kissing me as he grabs his jacket and slides his wallet into his pocket.

"Where are you going?"

"I have a meeting in the city. It should only take an hour or so and then I'll be back and we can go do whatever you want. Be sure you're ready," he says and holds my face in his hands, kissing me again. "God, I love you."

"Mmm, I love you too. I wish you didn't have to go."

"Same, but if you want to continue being a spoiled housewife, I need to go make us more money," he says.

I giggle and kiss him, saying, "I'm not a wife just yet."

"Three weeks," he says with a few pecks of his lips against mine.

He walks to the door and turns back, reaching his hand out, and bringing my hand to his lips, he places a kiss on the back of my hand. "Relax and enjoy your day. I'll see you soon."

I watch him walk to his car and drive away, thinking how much my life has changed. Just three months ago, I was broke, single, and a college student living off very little money that I had left from my parents' death. Now, I'm living like a princess in her own castle, doing whatever I want every day with unlimited spending at my disposal, and in three weeks, I'm marrying one of the richest men in the world. All because I'm clumsy and I bumped into him in Starbucks. The difference a day makes. 

While Alexander is gone, I make myself breakfast, take a shower, and throw in our laundry. Then I relax on the couch for a while. When I realize Alexander's been gone about four hours, I text him. 


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I get no response and decide to watch something on TV when Jocelyn texts.

I flip through the channels to find the right station and see what she is talking about when I finally see a news channel covering a car accident

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I flip through the channels to find the right station and see what she is talking about when I finally see a news channel covering a car accident. My heart drops to the pit of my stomach.

"World famous billionaire..."

Those are the only words I have to hear out of the broadcaster's mouth before I dial Jocelyn's phone. She doesn't pick up, so I try Alexander's.

"Hello?" someone answers.

"Hello? Who is this?" I say.

"I'm a paramedic, Ma'am. May I ask who is calling?"

"I'm Savannah. Alexander is my fiance. What's wrong? Is he okay?"

The paramedic doesn't say anything right away and my heart is pounding in my chest. I can hear whispering between them and I'm trying to make out what they're saying but it's too noisy. Meanwhile, Jocelyn walks in. I hold up my finger.

"Ma'am?" the man on the phone says.


"We need you to meet us at the Presbyterian Hospital. Do you know where that is?"

"Yes. I'll be there right away."

I hang up the phone and Jocelyn says, "Who was that?"

I start crying and say, "It was a paramedic. I think Alexander's been in some kind of accident."

She hugs me and says, "I saw the news. That's why I came over. What did they tell you to do?"

"They said to come to Presbyterian."

"Well, then let's go."

Jocelyn and I walk out the door and to her car and she drives to the freeway to take us to the city and to the hospital they're taking Alexander to. When we get there, she gives the keys and money to the valet and we hurry inside to find out where he is.

"I'm looking for a patient," I say to the desk.

"Name," she says.

"Alexander Holt."

"He's in ER room three," she says. 

Jocelyn and I hurry down the hall and to his room. A nurse is standing at the door when we get there and she turns to look at us. 

"You are?" she says.

"I'm Alexander's fiance," I say.

"His sister," Jocelyn says.

"Go on in."

We walk in and I gasp, covering my heart at the sight of his bandaged and bruised body. 

"Lex," I say as I walk to the bed and sit in the chair beside him. 

He doesn't say anything but stretches his bandaged hand out to me.

I hold his hand in mine and tears fall out of my eyes as I glance up at Jocelyn. 

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