I am

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"You're gonna have this baby today," Dr. Baxter says as he examines me in labor and delivery.
"But I'm not due for two more weeks," I say.
"That happens sometimes," he says. He takes off the medical gloves and says, "You're in active labor, Savannah. You're already five centimeters."
My eyes pop open wide and they dart back and forth between my doctor and Alexander.
"I'm not ready," I say.
"You're gonna do fine," Dr. Baxter says as he washes and dries his hands. "This the father?"
Alexander stands and walks around the bed. "Alexander Holt," he says and extends his hand to the doctor.
"The Alexander Holt?"
"That's me."
"Savannah, you never mentioned the absent father is one of the richest men in the world," Dr. Baxter says.
"Woah now, hold on just a minute. I'm not absent. I'm here. Things have been complicated."
Dr. Baxter smiles and says, "Don't worry. I don't write tabloids."
"Savannah," Dr. Baxter says to me. "Try to relieve your pain naturally before we do anything else."
The doctor exits the room and Lex looks at me sternly and says, "Why did he call me the absent father?"
"Maybe you should pay attention to tabloids once in a while."
"Why? They're nothing but trash and lies."
"But it would give you an idea of what people think about you."
"And how's that? What do people think?"
A contraction comes and I hunch over in pain for a moment before answering.
"They think you're a womanizing billionaire who doesn't actually care about me."
He reaches for his Coke, takes a sip, and says,
"And why do they think that?"
"Maybe because I've been living here for the past six months while you've been in Manhattan."
"Not by my choice," Lex says, rubbing his hand up and down my back.
"Maybe not, but tabloids write what they want."
"Well, they're very wrong about me."
"Are they?"
"Yes. I'm not a womanizer. I love you more than life itself. I would give you anything your heart desires. You have no idea, Savannah."
I reach my hand out and hold his. "Don't I?"
"No. You're my whole heart."
I sit there with him as a few more contractions come. He rubs my back and strokes my hair to calm me. But I'm soon experiencing the most excruciating headache of my life.
"Alexander! My head!" I yell as he tries to get help.
"What?" He asks. "What is it?"
"Get help!"
"We need some help in here!!" He yells into the hallway.
"Ah! My head!" I yell.
A nurse comes rushing in and wraps my arm in a blood pressure cuff.
"What is it?" Alexander asks.
"Her BP is spiking," the nurse says.
"Do something!" He yells.
The nurse gives him an annoyed look before saying, "I'll be right back with a magnesium drip."
"What is that?" He asks me.
"It's how they'll keep my blood pressure down," I say. "If it doesn't work, they'll make me have a C-section, but Lex, I don't have the money for a C-section."
"What are you talking about? You're not paying for anything. I'm paying for this."
I close my eyes but gently shake my head. "No."
"It isn't up for discussion," he says.
The nurse returns and connects my IV with the magnesium and fortunately it begins working right away.
I reach my arm out and say, "Lex, thanks for being here."
He kisses my hand and brushes some hair away from my face before leaning closer and kissing my cheek and then my lips. "I've wanted to be here all along."
"I know."
"When are you gonna be my wife?"
I turn my eyes in his direction and his eyes are fixed on me.
"We have a baby together. I need you to be mine," he says.
"I am," I say. "I have been all along."

Mr. HoltWhere stories live. Discover now