This is new to me

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I'm falling asleep as he's flipping channels. It's dark outside and I'm wondering where on earth we are now. So, I stand and walk over to the window to look out.

"We're so high," I say, tucking his shirt around my body since the cabin is so cold. "When are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"I'm not."

I glance back at him over my shoulder and continue looking out the window.

"Savannah, come sit down."

"I'm gonna go lie down," I say and walk into the back room. I hear him sigh as I walk away. I circle the back room once before I walk into the the bathroom and undress. I turn on the water for a shower, which is weird to me since I'm on a plane, but nothing feels out of the realm of possibilities since being with Alexander. There's a luxury white robe hanging next to the shower and gray towels folded nicely on a shelf. I take a towel and hang it with the robe and step into the shower. As I'm running the warm water down my back, I hear the door slide open and close, before I feel a hand rub across my back and he kisses my shoulder. I turn around.

God, he's so sexy. The water dripping off his hair and down his chest makes his sex appeal level off the charts.

He grabs the loofa and soap and starts sudsing me as he continues kissing me. That doesn't continue long before he lifts me into his arms and my back is pressed against the shower wall.

As he holds my backside in his hands and moves my body against the wall, I hold his face in my hands as our kissing is wild with passion and he grinds my body harder. I inhale and grip my hands onto his back. Sex in a shower on a luxury jetliner? Yes, please...

He lets out a deep moan and allows me to stand, but his hands remain on either sides of my shoulders and I'm trapped in the shower with him. He grabs my jaw between his thumb and index finger, kisses me, and says, "No one's ever said that to me before."

I'm unsure how to respond, so I move past him and take the towel off the hook to dry off before I wrap the robe around myself. I stand there a few moments and watch him wash himself, thinking how unreal he is. Then I go into the bedroom and put on a shirt and sweats. His cell phone is on the table and it dings. I try not to be nosy, but he makes it really hard, when he shares very little information with me.

 I try not to be nosy, but he makes it really hard, when he shares very little information with me

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I gasp and panic rushes over me. I walk out of the bedroom and into the lounge, trying to figure out what to do or say. He never said we are exclusive. But he keeps trying to get me to sign the contract and wouldn't that make us exclusive? Or not? Or only me? Am I the only person who will have any kind of boundaries here? This isn't a relationship. This is... I don't know what this is.

I text Jenna.

Alexander walks out of the back in black sweats with his hair wet

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Alexander walks out of the back in black sweats with his hair wet. My eyes are immediately drawn to that V line right to where his blue boxers are peeking up the smallest bit underneath his sweats. I slip my phone away when he sit down next to me, but I don't say anything to him.

"What's the matter?" he says.

"Nothing," I reply, pulling my legs up to my chest.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Why do you think something's wrong?"

"Just a feeling. Listen, you know you can be honest with me, don't you?"

I pull my legs tighter against my chest and nod.

He sighs. "Savannah, please tell me what's bothering you. I don't like it when you're upset."

"Maybe don't do things to upset me then."

He sits up straight, his eyes widening as his voice is super defensive and he says, "What did I do?!"

"Check your texts."

He furrows his brow and stands, walking into the other room. A few minutes later, his face is angry. "I told you to forget about her."

"Alexander, tell me who she is."

"I've known her a long time. My father wants me to marry her. She comes from money."

"Can I ask you something?"

He glances at me.

"Who decides which women are suitable for the contract?"

"I do. I decide who I date."

"No. I mean who decides if they pass the test?"

"Louis Nelson."


"He was my mother's attorney. He ultimately can say yes or no to any woman. He's a real Richard."

"A what?"

He chuckles. "It means he's a dick, Savannah." Alexander wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to his side, and kisses my head.

"It doesn't seem fair to me," I say and lay my head on his lap.

He runs his fingers through my hair, kisses my forehead and says, "What's that?"

"That someone else gets to choose who you marry."

"I get to choose. He has to approve."

"He still has a say and that seems so wrong."

"He doesn't have a say. It's my mother's say. He's just following what she wanted for me, what she wrote in her will."

"She must've been pretty unhappy with your father to have thought you needed this...I mean, to believe there are no good women out there who don't want you for your money."

I turn onto my other side and wrap my arms around his waist and I feel his hand rub up and down my back.

"Get some sleep."

"You're not tired?" I ask.

"Not yet. I'm happy where I am," he says, taking one hand to massage my back and shoulders and one to brush his fingers through my hair.

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