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"What can I get for this evening?" The waitress asks.

"Um, I'll have the Steak Mexicana," Alexander says. 

"Great choice," she says. "For you, Ma'am?"

"Fish tacos. Can I also get a side of queso?" I say.

"Of course. Anything else?" she asks.

"I'll have a beer," Alexander says, handing the waiter our menus. 

"Perfect. That'll be out soon."

"I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom."

"You okay?" Alexander asks. 

"Yes. I need to pee."

I get up from the table and walk to the restrooms in the far back corner. I pee, wash my hands, check my lipstick, and walk out of the bathroom. As I'm walking out, I feel an arm grab me and push me against the wall, holding me there by the throat.

"How dare you tell Alexander about me," he growls. 

"What?" I squeak.

"What we have," he says, running his hand up my thigh, "It's special."

My heart is pounding in my chest and I'm looking for a way to escape his grip without risking worse from him. After a few moments of his groping, I raise my knee and kick him in the groin, which causes him to buckle over in pain. I hurry away and to the table.

"We have to leave right now," I say, picking up my coat and purse.

"What? Why?"

"Don't ask me questions. Just pay the check and let's go. We can get food somewhere else," I say.

Alexander reaches into his wallet, throws $100 down on the table, and we walk out. Once outside, he grabs my shoulders and says, "Savannah, what is wrong? Why did we walk out like that?"

I breathe deeply and say, "That man was in there. He grabbed me by the throat and held me against the wall..."

I don't finish speaking and Alexander is inside the restaurant. I watch through the front windows for a few minutes before he emerges and says, "Gone."

"Lex," I say as we walk to the car. 


"I'm very certain it was that man."

"What man?"

"Jim Taylor."

"No. That doesn't make sense. Why would he be in Boston?"

I shrug. "He said something very strange to me, Lex," I say as we get in the car.

"What did he say?"

"He said that he was angry I told you it was him and what he and I have together is special."

Alexander starts the car but turns to face me and says, "What the hell does that mean?"

"I have no idea. I never met the man before he started following me."

"I'll drop you off at your rehearsal and then I'll make a few calls," he says.

"No. Don't leave me."

"You won't be alone. Brady will be at your rehearsal. He already knows to be there."

As we're driving through town, I receive a text from an unknown number.

"Alexander," I say. "Look." And I show him the message.

" And I show him the message

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"What did you do?"

"I kicked him in the balls."

Alexander chuckles. "Good girl."

"What do you think he means?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, but don't worry. You won't be left alone," he says.

I watch out the window for several minutes as I think about the encounter in the restaurant, and I say, "Lex, can we just go back home? I don't want to be here anymore."

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