The benefit

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"Alexander," I say when I open the door. "I know I said you couldn't take me tonight."

"That dress looks breathtaking on you," he says. "But it's missing something." He opens a box and pulls out a diamond, pear-shaped pendant, dangling from a white gold chain. He reaches behind my neck and clasps it, saying, "Much better."

I look down at the huge stone that has to be 2 kt., and I say, "You can't buy everything you want in life, you know. Some things are earned."

He doesn't respond, but extends his arm and says, "Ready?"

I roll my eyes, wanting so badly to tell him no. But this necklace had to have cost him a fortune. So, I pick up my silver clutch and wrap my arm around his, and we walk out the door.

"How are things going at the agency?" he asks as we drive down the street and I stare out the window.

"Alexander, don't pretend like you don't know exactly how it's going."

"I don't know what you mean," he says.

I quickly turn to face him and snap, "I know you are the one who's been controlling Aidan. It needs to stop."

"How much is he paying you now?" Alexander asks.

Crossing my arms and looking away from him, I say, "Like you don't know."

"Savannah, just tell me."

"$22 an hour."

"That is not what was agreed to," he says.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes," he says. "I know you need the money. I'm doing this for you."

I'm angry now and I turn to face him and yell, "Why?! Why are you doing these things for me?! It isn't because you love me, it's because you need someone to sign your damn contract, Alexander, so stop! Stop it now!"

He stays quiet a minute and rubs his chin before he says, "You think I don't love you?"

"Well, you've never said it."

"I spent 28,000 dollars on that necklace."

"So, your love is shown to me through how much you spend, or..."

We pull up to a stop light and he drops his elbows onto the steering wheel and runs his hands through his dark mane. "Savannah, I'm trying."

I glance down at the necklace and say, "Why did you spend so much on this necklace?"

"Because obviously, I hate you."

I smile and look over at him as he's driving. "Don't be a smart ass."

We ride for several minutes together in complete silence and I stare out the window, but I notice him glance over my way several times, and I'm wondering if he wants to say something. I finally say, "What?"

"What do you mean, what?"

"You keep looking at me."

"I'm not allowed to look at you?" he asks.

"You are. I'm just wondering why you are," I say.

"Well, I think you look pretty."

I smile but look away from him, but I can see his reflection in the glass and he's still looking at me.

"Here," he says, pulling up to the curb.

"Alexander, wait," I say, grabbing his arm. "I know you struggle with emotions and everything, and I know you are hiding deep secrets that keep you from being able to fully commit yourself to me, which is why I need to protect my heart. But that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you too, okay?"

He says nothing but reaches his hand up and brushes his fingers against my cheek before swiftly getting out of the car. He goes around and opens my car door. Then he tosses his keys to the valet and says, "Be careful with her."

"Of course, sir," The valet says.

"Alexander," I say and hold his hand in mine as we walk inside. "Promise me there will be no surprises this evening."

"What kind of surprises do you mean?" he asks.

"I mean, no new women, no more companies you own that are connected to me, no more secrets, nothing. If I'm going to try again with you, then I need to know all of your secrets are out."

He reaches his hand around my head and entangles his fingers in my hair as he leans close and kisses my lips, and he whispers, "No more secrets." But somehow, as we step into the ballroom and I see his mother's name plastered all over the benefit, I feel like that isn't going to be true.

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