Three weeks later...

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It's been three weeks since I had the baby, but we're no closer to finding him. Alexander gave me back my ring, which I was hesitant to take back, but given how everything is going lately, I couldn't tell him no. We moved back to Manhattan mostly because Jenna had to go back and start working again, and we are back at the farmhouse.
"Do you want to get some dinner," he asks me one evening.
"Okay," I say and stand to get my shoes. As I do that, I hear a noise at the door that's sounds a lot like faint cries. "Lex, do you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"That noise outside?"
"Wait here," he says and opens the front door. That's when the crying gets louder.
"Oh my god!" He exclaims, and I hurry to the door at the sound of the baby crying. There's a baby lying in a basket on the porch of our house.
Immediately, Alexander picks up the baby and hands him to me, then he takes the note from the basket and reads it out loud.

"Here is your baby, Alexander. Just know I cannot support this behavior from your father. However, do not think that this is the end. We still want your mother's money and we will get your mother's money no matter what I have to do."
Then Alexander turns to look at me and says, "There's no signature."
I'm crying now as I grip Sebastian tightly to my chest, kissing him, and I say, "I don't even care. I just want to run away from here with you and him and I want to live so far away that whoever it was can't ever find us."
Alexander nods and says, "yeah. I can make that happen."


Alexander and I are lying in our bedroom and in runs Sebastian with his blanket.
"Mommy, Daddy, can we have pancakes?"
Alexander scoops him up, kisses his cheek and says, "Pancakes? You want pancakes for breakfast?"
Alexander starts tickling him and Sebastian is giggling and begging for Alexander to stop.
"Let's ask mommy what she thinks," Alexander says.
I toss my legs over the side of the bed after kissing Sebastian on the cheek and giving Alexander a kiss, then I waddle my pregnant self to the bathroom and say, "Pancakes sound great."
"C'mon, little man. How about you and I go make mommy some pancakes, hmm?"
I finish in the bathroom and head to the kitchen to see Alexander at the counter with Sebastian sitting on the counter next to the bowl.
"There she is," Alexander says. "There's mommy."
"Mommy," Sebastian says. "We've been waiting for you."
I pick up my son and say, "You have?"
He nods.
The doorbell rings and I walk to answer it with Sebastian on my hip. There's a man standing there I don't know. Wondering if he speaks English or French, I say, "Hello?"
"Mrs. Holt?"
He hands me a note. "For you."
Then he walks away.
I look at the note. It reads:


Mr. HoltWhere stories live. Discover now