Someone's going to pay

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I throw on my clothes and storm out of the hospital, even though the doctors and nurses try to stop me from leaving. It doesn't matter to me. I have to fix this whole situation. Savannah's been through enough already because of me and I can't let her go to jail.
I call Joe and have him meet me at the hospital to bring me another one of my cars since my favorite car is busted up.
"Sir," he says, pulling up to the front of the hospital."Glad to see you are well."
I get in the back and say, "Take me to the station where they took Savannah."
"Of course."
I grab my wallet and phone, thinking how I'm going to pay Savannah's bail. Even though I'm a billionaire doesn't mean I have that money at my disposal at all times, so I need to figure out how to move money around and get her out of there. I pick up my phone and make a call to my banker.
"Holt," Anderson says. "You're well?"
"Well, I'd be better if I didn't need 500,000 dollars now."
"Oh, I'm sure we can make that happen. What do you need it for?"
"My fiancée was arrested because of my accident and I need bail money."
"Why would she be arrested because of your accident?" He asks.
"I'm not sure. I sure the hell plan on finding out though. But first I need to get her out of that jail," I say.
"Give me 15 minutes to move some money around for you and I'll post the bail for her myself."
"Thanks, Anderson."
"No problem. I hope you get this whole thing sorted out."
I hang up the phone and make another call to my attorney.
"Beddington," I say. "Have you heard about the situation with my fiancée?"
"Only what the news reports are saying."
"What is the news saying about her?"
"That she tried to kill you for your money. Is that not true?"
"Not at all. I hadn't even told her I left all my assets to her. She had no idea."
"I see. So your death wouldn't have benefited her at all until after she married you."
"Exactly. It must've been someone else. Plus, I know Savannah's character. It's not like her to be money hungry."
"I'll look into it, sir."
"Thanks. I'm headed to pay her bail right now."
"What's she charged with?"
"Attempted murder."
"We can deal with this," he says.
I hang up and pull into the parking lot. When I walk into the building, it's like every single person knows who I'm there to see. When I get to the desk, she says, "Savannah Duley?"
"Yes. Her bail should've been posted already."
The woman types some words into the computer and then says, "Yes. I see that. I'll let the officer know."
I wait about ten minutes or so before I see Savannah walk out. The look on her face when I see her breaks my heart a fraction before she falls into my arms and says, "I've been so afraid."
"No reason to be afraid anymore. I'm here now," I say and kiss the top of her head, holding her tightly against my body.
"They think I tried to kill you," she says, tears flowing from her eyes.
"I know. Don't worry any more. I have my attorney working on it. Someone will pay for this. I promise you."
She looks up at my face and says, "Lex, they said I could go to prison for 10 years or longer."
I kiss her forehead and then her lips and say, "i would never let that happen to the woman carrying my baby."
She lets out a small sigh, nuzzling her head in my chest as she says, "You heard me?"
"How do you feel about it?"
"I'm the happiest man alive."

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