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After having lunch, Jenna and I head to class at the school and then I go to practice for my upcoming performance at the theater. The weekend with Alexander was amazing, but now it's back to real life for me. 

I walk into the performance hall and one of my friends comments on the social media posts almost immediately. 

"Savannah, girl! What's with the fame?" Lexi says. 


"You are all over social media with Alexander Holt!"

She hands me her phone and shows me even more social media posts of me with him, riding in his car, us at dinner... so much.

Another one of my friends walks up and he says, "I saw the pictures of you at dinner with him. Are you dating him?"

"To be honest, Jonas, I don't know what we are," I say with a sigh.

Both of them stare at me like I'm insane, so I clarify the situation. 

"I literally bumped into him in Starbucks. He asked me out and it spiraled from there."

"Has he kissed you?" Jonas asks. 

My face turns red, thinking about the night we spent together on the yacht doing things I'd never done before, and I say, "Yeah, maybe."

Jonas is a very flamboyant and excited person and he says, "Girl! Look at you! I need details!"

I laugh and say, "Later. We have to rehearse."

We walk up to the stage as the director calls us out, and Jonas whispers, "So, what's a billionaire like?"

I toss my bag down and say, "Um, he's full of repressed emotion and just needs to be loved, I think."

Jonas laughs. "I think you described every billionaire out there."

"You're probably right," I say.

"What else?" Lexi asks.

"Um... he's just a big puppy dog. Things we read about in the news and social media aren't true. He's not a monster. He's really kind and caring."

"Oh? Interesting."

"I think he's lonely," I say.

Lexi smiles and says, "Girl, you better jump on that!"

I laugh and tap her shoulder. "Stop."

"Alright! Everybody gather 'round!" the director yells. "I have some news."

I sit on the stage next to Jonas and Lexi, draping my legs over the edge and the director says, "I'm sorry to say but our performance has been canceled."

"No! Why!" 

"We didn't get the funding needed to open the show. That's the way it is. Sorry."

"Bummer," Jonas says as we walk out of the theater. 

We get out to the sidewalk, and Jonas points to our left. I see Alexander standing there, leaning against the side of the building. 

"Alexander," I say. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to take you home."

Jonas nudges my side.

"Stop," I whisper to him.

"Who's your friend?" Alexander asks, looking at Jonas.

"Oh, um, this Jonas. He's one of the actors here. Jonas, this is Alexander Holt."

"Wow, uh, nice to meet you. I mean, I see you on the news and in the media all the time, but uh, wow. You're a lot taller in person than you are on TV," Jonas says.

I smile and roll my eyes at Jonas's reaction. Alexander doesn't really say much to Jonas, but he shakes his hand, then says to me, "Are you ready?"


"Bye, Jonas. I guess I'll see you... I mean, I don't know since the show is done," I say as Alexander waits impatiently by his car.

"Yeah, this really sucks."


"Later," Jonas says. "It was nice to meet you." He waves at Alexander and then walks down the street.

"You could've been friendlier," I say as I walk around the car to get in.

"I shook his hand," Alexander says.

Rolling my eyes at him, I say, "Wasn't much of an effort."

He starts the car and pulls into traffic as he says, "Maybe I don't like seeing you with other men."

"He's just a friend."

"I don't care."

"Well, you'll be happy to know that I won't be seeing him much anymore anyway because our show is canceled."

Alexander glances at me. "Why is that?"

"We didn't get the funding for it that we needed."

Alexander stays quiet for a few moments as we drive and he rests his chin on his hand with his elbow leaned on the window edge, staying deep in thought.

"How much did you need?"

"I'm not sure."

He glances at me from the corner of his eyes but stays quiet and I have this feeling that he's going to sponsor my show.

"Alexander, don't you dare."


"Sponsor my show."

"I sponsor community theater all the time."

"Don't do it."

"Why not? Give me one good reason."

"Because I said so."

He stops at a light and looks over at me. "That isn't a good reason."

"Because if you do, then I'll see Jonas a few times a week," I say, sticking out my tongue at him.

He furrows his brow and says, "While I agree that's a good reason, I still want you to have your show. I may just have to put Jonas in his place and let him know what's mine."

I reach across the car, running my fingers across his chest, teasing where his tie is loosened and his shirt was unbuttoned a few buttons, and I say, "And what's yours?"

He looks at me, and very intensely, he says, "You."

I want to feel flattered. I mean, I do. I feel flattered that this gorgeous, rich hunk of a man is saying I belong to him, but it's the way he says it that is throwing up red flags.

"Do you want to see my penthouse?" he asks.

"Um, sure."

He makes a quick turn and pulls into a garage. There's a line of nice cars and I see the limo I've already been in, so I know these are all his cars. Does he own this whole building? Probably.

He gets out of the car and walks around to my side, opening my door. 

"Are these all your cars, Lex?" I say as we walk to the elevator.


He points to our right at a small white car. "Not that one."

I laugh and nudge his side.

We get on a separate elevator than the one for the main floors, and he turns a key then presses the button to take us to the top.

"How was your day?" he asks.

"It would've been better had my show not been canceled."

He nods and steps off the elevator.

"Alexander, I'm making myself very clear about this. Do not sponsor my show."

Placing his finger under my chin to lift my face, he says, "I saw the way Jonas was looking at you. So, let me be clear when I say if I want to sponsor your show, I will."

I'm so confused at how Jonas has anything to do with this.

"Lex, what does Jonas have to do with anything?"


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