Jim Taylor and the painting

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As we walk into the ballroom, I glance around the room looking for anyone I know who might make me feel a bit more comfortable. But I don't even see Emberley. Feeling intimidated by the people, knowing the room is filled with millionaires to buy artwork and other auctioned items and support the gallery, I wrap my arm around Alexander's arm, securely gripping him.

He glances down at me. "You okay?"


We walk the room and look at some sculptures, and he's stopped by a man I recognize, who says, "Who is this pretty young lady clinging so tightly to your arm, Holt?"

"Jim Taylor, this is Savannah Duley. Savannah is the new assistant to Aidan Barlowe over at the agency. Savannah, this is Jim Taylor. He owns Gazelle."

Jim Taylor laughs and say, "That may be true, Holt, but you own me," and when he says that, I realize where I know him from and I gasp and my eyes widen.

"Pleasure to meet you," I say but turn my back to him and whisper to Alexander, "I need to speak to you now," and I interlock my fingers in his. He looks down at my eyes, and says to Jim Taylor, "Excuse us a moment," and we walk out the doors to our right to the hall.

"Savannah, what is it?" 

I start hyperventilating, and I can't even think how to say the words until Alexander grabs my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. 

"Tell me this second what is wrong!" he says.

I take a deep breath and say, "That's the man who's been following me."

"Who is?"

"Jim Taylor."

Alexander narrows his eyes and furrows his brow as though he's in disbelief and he says, "Are you sure?"

"I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life. I know those eyes and that face."

Running his hand through his hair, Alexander starts walking circles next to where I'm standing.

"Why would he care about me, Lex?"

"I don't know. Jim Taylor has always been a pleasant and nice guy. He's married to a sweet lady and they have two kids."

"Sounds like the perfect life."

He looks at me when I say that and says, "It does?" 

I nod. "Yeah."

He doesn't respond, so I say, "I'm afraid."

Alexander glances over at me as he paces and says, "Don't be afraid."

"Can I come stay at the penthouse with you?"

"Of course you can. You should know you don't even have to ask me that."

I move closer and wrap my arms around him, collapsing my head onto his chest, and I feel him kiss the top of my head. 

"Let's go back in the benefit and I'll buy whatever he bid on to send him a message."



He takes my hand in his and we walk back into the ballroom, immediately walking over to the bidding tables, and he walks from silent auction to silent auction, looking for Jim Taylor's bids.

"What are you doing?" I ask when I see him bidding on an enormous 50 acre horse farm.

"I've always wanted to learn how to ride a horse."

I roll my eyes. "Stop. I can't even imagine you on a horse farm."

"Well, imagine it," he says and bids double what Jim Taylor wrote down.

"A million dollars?! Alexander! Are you insane?!"

"I've been told that from time to time," he says and kisses my lips. "You said you want kids. Kids shouldn't grow up in the city. It's not like I'll take care of those animals anyway."

I laugh and tap his arm. "I know. You'll hire someone."

"Actually, I was thinking of turning it into some kind of summer camp or something for underprivileged city kids. Then I'll get some kind of return on my investment."

I reach my hands up to his face and peck his lips with mine. But he reaches his arms around me, pulling me closer for a kiss far too passionate in the middle of a crowded room.

"Lex," I say as he slides his hands up my body and grips my head.

"Just let me," he whispers as his tongue slides into my mouth. I'm enjoying it immensely, and I grip my hands on his suit jacket, pulling his body against me.

"Holt," a man says and approaches, interrupting our kiss.

Alexander pecks my lips a few more times before moving his face away from me and looking at Jim Taylor standing there.

"What's the meaning of you out-bidding me on all my bids?" he asks with a laugh.

I'm so nervous about what Alexander is going to say, but he behaves himself, and says, "Isn't the purpose of a benefit to raise money?"

"I suppose it is," Jim Taylor says with a glance at me. 

The look he gives me causes prickles to rise all over my skin, and I grip my fingers in Alexander's. Alexander looks down at my hand and says to Jim Taylor, "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Oh, uh, sure thing." 

They walk away, and I search the room for Emberley, finally finding her next to one of her paintings. 

"Someone bought my painting for $5,000!" Emberley squeals.

I smile. "Who was it?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't looked at the bids yet." 

I look at her painting of me from the play and when I was dressed up as Marie Antoinette on stage, and I say, "I am curious." We walk over to the bids and I see Alexander's name written there for two times as much as the previous bidder. I smile, shake my head, and say to Emberley, "It was Alexander."

She laughs. "I should've known since it's a painting of you, girl."

"Actually, I think it's because he's trying to keep Jim Taylor from buying it."

"Who?" She asks.

I glance around to be sure no one is listening, and then I grab her arm and pull her away from listening ears.

"Remember the guy who was following me?"

"Ew, yes."

"Well, he's here."


"Shh!" I say, holding my finger to my mouth. "It's fine. Alexander's handling it."

"Who is the guy?"

"He's my boss's boss, apparently," I say.

"Weird. Why has he been following you?"

"I have no idea," I say and look up at the painting of me as Marie Antoinette.

"Does it weird you out at all that Alexander is so obsessed with you?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"The guy is obsessed with you, Savannah. Admit it."

I nod and sigh. "I know, but I think it would weird me out more if I wasn't completely aware of it."

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